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View Full Version : Darn Internet Explorer!!

08-09-2003, 07:51 PM
I LOATHE IE with all of my being, and it seems the feeling is mutual.

I'm just wondering if this has happened to anyone else or if anyone has any suggestions?

Sometimes, when I'm using IE it will...stop. Not freeze up mind you, but just refuse to go anywhere, and a lot of times it happens while I'm surfing but most times it happens when I open a window and absolutely nothing ever comes up, and no loading bar is at the bottom or anything.

My dad insists it's the connection (56k) but our ISP NEVER goes down for maintinance, plus AIM MSN and Yahoo IM work fine during IE's fits, and it's still connected anyway.

My dad refuses to let me use any browser but IE. He honestly believes it came on Windows because it's the best browser ever made, and any other browsers will ruin the computer.

He told me when that happens to refresh the desktop and restart the computer but that doesn't always work, and since it's an ME it takes its sweet time restarting, and I know I shouldn't need to restart 3 times during the day for that.

Dad's protective over viruses so we have the most up-to-date Norton possible, and I ran a scan just today and there were no viruses.

I hate IE.

08-09-2003, 09:51 PM
Show him www.mozilla.org or www.opera.com , both are very, very good browsers, better in IE in every way. Also there's MozFirebird, a lite version per-say. You can download these and still use IE. Just say you want to use this, and he can use IE. Or you can convince him to try Opera/Mozilla, hopefully he can see the light. :)

Hopefully this can semi-help. :)

EDIT: Whoops, I forgot to add, try IE 6, it seemed to help my dad fix a problem with IE once... :\

08-09-2003, 09:54 PM
I have problems with IE occasionally, but I'm so used to using it that I don't want to change. I have tried the two EWild listed, but I'm still kind of partial to IE myself.

08-09-2003, 09:55 PM
If he is worried about viruses, he should make you use ANYTHING other than viruses, as IE has more security holes that can be exploited than any of the other browsers.

08-09-2003, 10:05 PM
I've already showed him those and he is adament about IE :(

08-09-2003, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by EWild
...better in IE in every way.


Anyhow, I used IE and absolutely no virus protection, and my computer runs at top condition. To avoid viruses, simply know what you're downloading, run programs such as Ad-Aware and SpyBot occasionally, and keep tabs on what programs are installed.

Monica, I honestly think that WinME and Norton have more to do with making things bad than IE. :shrug:

08-09-2003, 10:33 PM
Well if that's the case, Starkist, I guess I'm stuck. He's also really REALLY serious about Norton and since he has XP on HIS computer, he says I don't need it on mine.

08-10-2003, 12:01 AM
Norton, huh... I had an "intresting" experience with them.

When we got our new computer, WinXP and Norton came with it. One day explorer.exe decided to quit after about 15 minutes and not restart. This continued for weeks no matter what I tried, so I just gave up and reformatted.

After I reinstalled everything, the computer seemed to be working okay. Now, Norton nagged me to update all the time, but the connection always timed out, so I just gave up. Until one day, something made me decide to try again anyway. This time it worked, but after the update was downloaded, it forced me to restart my computer. Now, I should mention that's one of those things I just can't stand, especially since I had other stuff running at the time. Anyway, after the reboot I got errors with all the startup programs (AIM.exe, etc.). So I tried to run them manually, but that didn't work either. In fact, no .exe worked except for a couple Microsoft ones. So I had to reformat AGAIN!

So guess what I don't use for virus protection anymore.

Anyway, I recommend disabling that while you do anything. Then enable it again when you're done. See if that fixes the problem.

Drunken Tiger
08-10-2003, 02:35 AM
I have not had a single problem with IE since i bought this computer, which was a few years back... But i have had daily problems with Opera.. I dont know why.. :shrug:

08-10-2003, 02:43 AM
Well, I have IE, Firebird, and Opera installed, but I am seriously thinking about removing IE completly and using Opera for local browsing and firebird for the web. I LOVE how compact firebird is. It is ultra fast for lodaing pages and it has just enough features to keep me happy. And I guess I like all the features of opera, it just seems a little... busy so I don't use it that often. I guess I might love opera if I took the time to get to know it. As for IE, it is good only because it is the standard and almost any page will look correct on it, but other than that I really don't like it. It is noticably slower than the other two at loading pages, and is much less stable for me.

Thats my 2 cents. :shrug:

08-10-2003, 04:21 AM
I strongly dislike IE. I use it only for checking my Hotmail account... and I never really check that account (it's just a throwaway e-mail address that I can use to sign up for things that are likely to cause me to receive spam).

I use Opera on both the Windows and Linux sides of my computer. I've had very good experiences with it. (I think the thing I like most about it is that the programmers are intelligent enough to allow you to disable popups from within the program itself, so you don't have to have any add-on software that may or may not work, and may or may not destabilize your entire system.)