View Full Version : Starcraft: Broodwar Map Making

08-05-2003, 07:00 PM
Hello, me again, you may remember that 25 years back I accautly posted on this thing he he:)

Well, anyway, to get to the point, I was making a suprisingly sophisicated map on Starcraft Brood War, and I made this trigger that spawns units, however, when I tried to test the map, it, instead of creating 50 units at one area and 20 units at another, it went into this frenzy and started making all sorts of units, and all I heard was...well...I dont know, it was like a buzz buzz sound

And, Warning: Unit unplaceable (whatever) 14059,3401 came up and filled up the ENTIRE screen for a whole solid minute

What am I doing wrong with this?

Any help would be appreciated, as I have just figured out how to work this cursed triggers.


Cecil aka Uhh well I guess thats all Im known as

08-05-2003, 07:49 PM
That probably means you ran out of room at the spawn point or something.

As for why, I have no idea.

08-05-2003, 08:00 PM
In starcraft spawn points are dictated by er... for lack of a better word boxes which you can name. If you want more guys to appear then you need to make the box bigger so as to fit more guys in it. as to why the guy making thing went crazy I have no idea

08-05-2003, 08:16 PM
Ah, what an outstanding brilliant simple idea.
Perhaps it shall work.

08-06-2003, 08:14 PM
I'm not sure why it happened, but I think I have an alternative. Instead of having them all spawn at the same exact point, make two location points right next to each other, and make 25 units spawn at each point, or less untill you get tham all to spawn,

08-06-2003, 10:23 PM
Also a brilliant idea...as I did make the spawning area bigger, it didnt solve the problem any as the spawn was already almost as big as it could get.
However, I seem to have run into another problem, at a certain spawning area, I had the map have 2 units spawn for 3 players at once. Well, 14 spawn totally for all 3. I think this is whats happening, more are spawning then I tell it too, and its happened in more then one area.

08-07-2003, 01:04 PM
Hmm, curious question. Do you have it set so that say: 2 of X units spawn at location A every 3 seconds? What exactly are you trying to do. And what kind of map is it gonna be?

08-08-2003, 08:54 PM
Well....just take a look for yourself

Force 1 (Players 1 2 and 3)

Elapsed scenario time is at least 120 game seconds.

Create 2 Protoss Zealots at Zealot Spawn Across River for Force 1
Dispaly for current player: Zealots are ready across the river.
Wait for 600000 milliseconds
Preserve Trigger

Im just trying to have a small spawn across the river every great once in a while to help out Force 1 (who is badly outnumbered might I add, so they need these forces to swell their ranks, but they dont need THAT many Zealots!)

Does that help a bit?

08-08-2003, 09:37 PM
Maybe have:
Create 2 Protoss Zealots at Zealot Spawn Across River for Player 1
Create 2 Protoss Zealots at Zealot Spawn Across River for Player 2
Create 2 Protoss Zealots at Zealot Spawn Across River for Player 3
Dispaly for current player: Zealots are ready across the river.
Wait for 600000 milliseconds
Preserve Trigger

I'm not sure if it will help, but I found (when I was making my own BW map) that if one trigger didn't work, there was almost always an alternative for it.

08-08-2003, 10:07 PM
Hmmm...cursed maps are so confusing

Thanks for the help, Ill be sure to come here when if...hahahaha if...thats a good one...
When I have more troubles, Ill come here for help