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08-04-2003, 02:35 AM
For the past five weeks my summer job has been being a counselor at a summer-long math camp. Right now I can't imagine how last spring I could possibly have though this job would be a remotely good idea; I feel like my sanity could snap at any second. The dorms I am forced to stay in are utter crap. There is one "bathroom" per floor. Bathroom is in quotation marks here because the toilets are frequently stopped up or otherwise nonfunctional, the hot water goes out at least twice a week, and when the power goes out, the bathroom is the only place without emergency lighting. There are nazi-like guards posted all over the dorms who seem to have nothing better to do than to tackle people who violate any of their million asinine rules, which change daily. And of the hundred or so students, I can't think of a single one which should not be immediately institutionalized. Here's a sampling of some of the "incidents" that have so far occured:

1. Two students, Steve and Aaron, are roommates. One week into the program, Steve walks in on Aaron masturbating one night, stands there and watches, then tells Aaron he enjoyed the show. Aaron is apparently not nearly as intelligent as you'd think someone at math camp would be, since he did not report the incident, nor do anything to separate himself from his roommate. Which is extremely unfortuate for Aaron, because, a few days ago, Steve was expelled from the camp for "attempted sodomy."

2. Someone apparently finds it amusing to sneak into people's rooms when they are in the shower and to urinate on their pillows. Needless to say, I keep my door locked.

3. Four times so far this summer, someone has tried to flood the hallway of one of the dorm floors by stuffing the sinks full of toilet paper and turning them on. So far, they have fortunately been unsuccessful, although one person's floor has been covered in a thin layer of water.

4. Anything left lying around the common areas on each floor (including the common area furniture) invariable ends up being thrown out the window at pedestrians and cars that walk by the dorm.

5. One student had to be driven to the hospital for attempting to overdose on Tylenol. Two others were caught trying to get drunk off caugh syrup.

6. One student intentionally tampered with the sprinkler head system, setting it off so that everyone's rooms on the third floor was drenched in fire-retardant crap. Thankfully, I'm not on the third floor.

08-04-2003, 02:49 AM
Hmm, well, let's examine it. If they'e at math camp, they can't be all that smart. In fact, we're probably looking at the bottom of the barrel kids here. The ones that everyone walks aroun iin the halls and that ae shuned by everyone. O fcourse, it depends on what kind of math it is, but i'm thinking these are the dolts by your description.

Wel, it certantly sounds like hell. Is the pay good at least?

08-04-2003, 03:15 AM
From what I understand, they have made the formula to cough syrup much more wimpy.

It sounds like you've got a camp full of reluctant campers, sent by their parents to get rid of them.

I've got a summer job as a cashier at a supermarket, and I take home about 150 dollars a week (if I work 28 hours, I get paid exactly 150 net).

08-04-2003, 03:19 AM
How old are these kids anyway?

08-04-2003, 05:04 AM
What exactly do they do their? It's sounds more like some institution than a "math" camp. Is it like Calculus problems or something?

08-04-2003, 02:09 PM
I was a counselor at Boys' State once. It was the year after I went, so I was only a year older than the participants. I actually had fun. :shrug: