View Full Version : The Old to New and some Fun (big picts)

08-02-2003, 12:33 PM
Some of you may remember a month or two ago I cut my hand and then that same day a storm blew through felling a large tree and some other damage, one of which was taking the trampoline and throwing it into the grove.
Yesterday I finial broke down and replaced the thing.
That is the old one top left.
The others are my son Jeffery, on the new one. AKA Cecil here.

Also we went to a theme park last weekend, called Vallyfair in MN.
About 3 hr. drive from where I live.
Same pictures of that;
This is us on a rollercoaster called the Wild Thing (http://www.joyrides.com/valleyfair/full/wild_thing3.htm), and a good ol' fashion log floom.

Some others (big).




(I love my digi camera- :D )

This was not a real family vacation, I am afraid those days may be gone, as my oldest is moving this October
and the middle one (my other son) may leave next year. I still have Jeff for at least 3 more years maybe more.
So vacations are more like day trips or weekend events, we do several of those rather then a whole week somewhere.

So has anyone else done the theme park thing this year?
Gone on any interesting vacations?

carrot red
08-02-2003, 01:49 PM
Some very nice pictures you've got here, Jemsee.

I've done the Six Flags again.

08-02-2003, 02:48 PM
Looks like you had a great time, Jem :thumbsup: And Jeffrey doesn't even look the same!

My vacation this year: the AGN Convention. I didn't get to go camping with my other friends this year, like we had planned, because Steve and Tyler decided they didn't want to, and when they had decided, no one else wanted to go... *sigh*

Next week I'm going to the Hartford Fair to watch the Rough Truck and the Mudruns, but that's about it. Steve also promised to take me to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium this summer, as well, but I don't see that happening *cries*