View Full Version : list of misc colors

08-01-2003, 09:15 PM
could somebody please make a list of all the misc colors and tell me what each of the colors is for? (and then i'll also copy it to my tutorial to share w/ everyone)

08-01-2003, 11:17 PM
Misc colors?.... never heard of it...

08-02-2003, 05:54 PM
Text - non-string text, includes 'A' 'B', and then the continue screens, etc. All other string text is white.
Caption - -Life-, Triforce, Inventory subscreen text.
Overworld BG - color of minimap in regular overworld
Dungeon BG - the color in the minimap behind the rooms.
Dungeon FG - the color of the rooms in the minimap.
(Note - these obviously are N/A when using a custom minimap)
Cave FG - the color of the rooms in a cave dmap, on the minimap. Uses dungeon BG for the back of it.
BS Dark - the 'rooms' in a BS overworld
BS Goal - the specific points on a BS overworld
Compass Lt - On compass flash
Compass Dk - Off compass flash, also when obtained Triforce
Subscreen BG - color behind subscreen.
Tri Frame - color of triforce frame when not using custom
Link's Pos - Where he is on a minimap and big map (on dungeon subscreen)
Big Map BG - color of map in dungeon subscreen
Big Map FG - color of seen rooms in dungeon subscreen

Hope that helps