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View Full Version : link getting stuck --

07-31-2003, 11:37 PM
strange thing...when i use a dmap intro, link gets "stuck". can't move any way. i thought at first maybe i had him too high on the screen, so instead i warped him to the very bottom of the screen...didn't fix it either, so i moved him up a few spaces...didn't help either. the tiles are definitely walkable on every layer. and its happened more than once so i'm thinking its more than just a careless error. can someone tell me why?

08-01-2003, 08:24 AM
Hm ... I don't know. Try using the W key if you haven't to make absolutely certain there are no unwalkable places on your screen.

08-01-2003, 10:56 AM
Oh, sometimes, it just happens that when you enter a Dmap, Link cannot move. Hit F6, and hope that Link will continue in the same place. If he does, (And that's a big If.) If you used the Exit/Entrance type of warp, he probably will return to that place, and he'll be able to move. It works for me, I guess. :shrug: