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View Full Version : The ultimate evil

07-31-2003, 01:58 PM
On a SPiN chat room we go on, we have fight-style Roleplays in which we battle each other using actions, a sort of Text Fight. We make characters, and try to make the strongest we can possibly. Read my below creation, and tremble in fear.

Drock Wriku
140 LBs
Species: Unknown humanshape creature.
History: Drock comes from a long line of abnormally intelligent shadow dimension dwelling creatures, a race created by the Dark Side God, Rajoth. Their purpose was to destroy all life in the universe as Rajoth's revenge against Kajoth, the good God. They can live for thousands of years, and there is usually only one of these creatures in existance at a time. Though small and weak in physical power, Rajoth gave them incredible innate powers that can cause huge amounts of chaos. However, Drock ended the line of chaos by swearing never to do Rajoth's bidding of destruction. Drock is the true creator of Xanus.

Drock does not ever interact directly with the light/real world. With his incredible ability to control Rajoth's shadow dimension, he can control the real world as he sees fit. This works because the real world must mirror the shadow dimension, and vice versa.

Possession: He can possess anyone by taking control of their evil side/shadow double, and wield his power that way. This is possible because Drock warps reality in the shadow dimension and forces the real double to be able to successfully wield it. He doesn't even need to use a body, as he can control objects, as well.

Reality Control: Drock can warp reality to give him Armageddon-like strength, the ability to destroy a planet with a flick of the wrist. He can also do the same with defense, able to withstand much more than a supergiant Super Nova. He can also separate object bonds, recombine them, and just plain tear crap up.

Dark Fire Breath: Simple. Drock breathes an intense wave of Dark Fire.

Shadow Cannon: Beam of shadow energy.

Bane Blade: It actually has no power than a normal blade in the hands of someone else, but Drock can cut through anything, again, by using reality warp.

Black Dragon: The famous attack that Xanus is known for was taught to him by Drock. His only "finisher", it flies astrally after the opponent's soul and tears it out of the body, taking it to hell.

Weakness: What? You think I'm going to tell you? Figure it out your own damn self!