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View Full Version : Final Fantasy Tactics Advance?

07-29-2003, 11:06 PM
Are you getting Final Ftantasy Tactics Advance? I was just curious to see how many people are planning to buy this game. Also, can anyone tell me the release date of it?

07-30-2003, 01:15 AM
There's a big preview of it in this months Nintendo Power, and it looks nice.

Everyone says the original FF Tactics for PS1 is really good. I haven't played that either and am also trying to decide whether to get the original or this new one for GBA. It'd probably be more fun to play that game on the go. Eh, I might wait to see what people say when it's released (I think it comes out in September)

07-30-2003, 01:27 AM
A need a good new GBA game...

Master Ghaleon
07-30-2003, 01:43 AM
I might get it, problem is I got too many games im tring to beat. Im focusing on Xenosaga right now.

07-30-2003, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by vegeta1215
There's a big preview of it in this months Nintendo Power, and it looks nice.

Everyone says the original FF Tactics for PS1 is really good. I haven't played that either and am also trying to decide whether to get the original or this new one for GBA. It'd probably be more fun to play that game on the go. Eh, I might wait to see what people say when it's released (I think it comes out in September)

Get the original first. It is such a GREAT game, any amount of money up to 40 bucks is worth it. Maybe 50 if you have money to spare.

07-30-2003, 04:33 PM
I did like the first one, I only played the first five or so missions because they're so hard.

This is a different game right? I saw pics of it and they were in a modern street type area. Which makes me think there will be time travel.

07-30-2003, 06:29 PM
you can get the one on the PS for $10

07-30-2003, 06:38 PM
FFT Advance is a all new game from that of the original.

07-30-2003, 08:32 PM
Man, I loved the original, but i never got ultima, that always pissed me off

07-30-2003, 09:23 PM
Yessir. I do plan on buying it...but I so hate waiting.

07-30-2003, 09:23 PM
i actually like tactics better better than i do the main series. I think it has a better story. and the way you play it just so much more interesting and complex...speaking of which, trying not to get to far off topic, would anybody suggest getting crystal chronicles when it comes out? I just dont know if I should...

07-30-2003, 10:10 PM
I found the first one used for about $15 and thought it was awesome! I'm getting the next one for sure.

07-31-2003, 12:34 AM
I love tactics. It wa so much fun. It's nut the usual just press attack and you'll win. You actually have to think. I beat the original, so I have a game right now with a level 99 Razma equipped with 2 Excalibers. (Yeah, i cheated after I beat it) I so want to get the new one.

07-31-2003, 11:00 AM
FFTA's coming out in the middle of September in Canada. The 20th, I think. So it'll be released on the 19th in the U.S.