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07-26-2003, 08:08 PM
How would you do freeform shutters where the shutters open when all the enemies are killed?

07-26-2003, 08:24 PM
1. make a combo for each part of the shutter door where the door first appears open, when link walks through it--leave its animation frames & speed at 0, but set its "next" combo to cycle to the shutter combo when it is closed
2. make another combo for when the shutter door reopens (like when link activates a secret to open the closed shutter)--this does not cycle to anything
3. place the combo as described in step 1 on the screen where you want the freeform shutter to be
4. place a secret flag over each part of the door (flags 16-31) and set the secret combo to the regular open door combo (the one described in step 2, that does not cycle to anything)
5. now, set up a way of triggering the door to open, either by having a weapon trigger flag, a trigger combo, or by checking the "enemies->secrets" screen flag in the "screen data" menu
6. tadah! now, when link enters screens in a dungeon dmap with this setup, the combo that is first a passage, will cycle to the closed door after link has completely entered the screen, just like a shutter (except you won't hear the 'shutter' sfx) and when the player activates the trigger, the door should open--if necessary, you could also check the "no secret sounds" screen flag