View Full Version : Bigotry Is In The Eye Of The Party...

07-25-2003, 04:03 PM
Here's the Human Rights Campaign's Winnie Stachelberg's response to a Democratic congressman calling another congresman a "fruitcake" and a "cocksucker":

"I think Congressman Stark's use of the word [fruitcake], he probably regrets having used it. I think he meant nothing by it, but I think in the 2003 context, it's probably a poor choice of words. But it's also important to note that Congressman Stark is one of the gay community's staunchest allies."

Translation: bigotry is fine if you vote our way. How will anyone take HRC seriously when they condemn Republican bigotry in the future?

Source: www.andrewsullivan.com

07-25-2003, 06:43 PM
If conservatives ever said half the things of anyone, that liberals say of conservatives, we would be called to task so fast, our heads would spin.

Just examine what happened with the Trent Lott comment, a comment that, while it may have been stupid, was certainly not to the level of bigotry it was made out to be.

If a Republican were a former member of the KKK, you'd probably never hear the end of it.