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07-24-2003, 03:28 AM
It's official, the State of California will host the first gubernatorial recall election in nearly a century. Gray Davis won reelection only because he was the lesser of two evils. His likely replacement (should he be recalled), Dan Issa, is not much better. Is this the best California has to offer? Billions in debt, whiny movie stars, and now this. On top of that, all the Californians who get tired of living there come live up here and show that they really don't know how to drive... :tongue:

07-24-2003, 05:03 AM
This is why I'm moving out of this state.

07-24-2003, 06:03 AM
This should give the Democrats a valid pretext to overthrow their failing capitalist imperialist democratic government, and establish a communist paradise for the oppressed masses. Following a blood less coup, the remains of California's republicans would be hunted down like dogs, and put on display for the people to see what the corrupt capitalist excess can lead to, before being put the firing squad.

A massive public works project would then be put under way to have much of California's lands reclaimed for nature, while California's remaining populations would be sterilized and then put away in large apartment complexes, to keep them from ruining the ecotopia they would daily be forced to build.

07-24-2003, 01:20 PM
My impression was that a lot of people were tired of being a part of the state with well over half of all state debt (a lot of it due to mishandling of the power crisis). And despite the whining and wailing of Democrat loyalists, the process is not anti-democratic and perfectly legitimate.

But being a Texan, I don't know what the California experience is.