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View Full Version : Changing Tilesets

07-23-2003, 09:09 PM
The way I change tilesets is that I take a quest file with the tileset, export a graphics pack, then import it into a new quest file. Aren't there other ways? Are they easier or harder?

07-23-2003, 09:13 PM
i use the same method as you do. if quest templates ae ever fixed again, you could just load up the tileset into an empty quest and save a template then when you go to make a quest with that tileset, choose that template then go to i thik Quest--> Defaults, ad click on each of those and tell it yes, and it should put in the whole tileset.

07-24-2003, 12:48 AM
I did this with my Link's Odyssey quest. It's not as easy as it looks. In fact, I haven't yet completed it because of the difficulty involved in setting it up.

Start with whatever set you have, and then import all of the new stuff. Not as a graphics pack, but as individual items.

You want to take the old quest and find out where the tile pages end. Go into the graphics you want, and MOVE all of the tiles down at least that far - using 'C' and then 'M' now, export all of the comboes only. Move all of the tiles back up, and then export the tile pages.

Import the tiles in the quest you want to convert, and then import the combos.

Import the palletes next, and your old quest will now be all psycho. That's ok. The new combos will be fine.

Take the new tiles, and simply re-draw over the old. Its tough, it takes it all one screen at a time.

That's really all I can give you as far as help. Good luck!