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View Full Version : I need help with dungeons.

07-23-2003, 05:09 AM
I'm using BS graphics for my first quest and I'm starting on Level 1 but I ask: Can you switch from the BS tiles to the classic tiles again? If I can how?

07-23-2003, 11:13 AM
if you have a file who's name ends in ".til", then you could go to the tile menu in your quest & hit "grab' and then selec the file to grab tiles from & then select the tiles & hit ok--you could do this with any quest, any graphics pack--however, you can only have one real "graphics pack" at a time--when you load a graphics pack it replaces the current one, with all the tiles, pallettes, & such--not sure why you'd want to, but if ya want to use tiles from both BS & classic, you need to have tilesets of each (files with the ".til" at the end--and then import tiles to your quest from each file--also, realize that the colors will not be the same--if ya already have imported the BS graphics pack, then after you grab tiles from the classic tileset, those tiles will use the coloration of the BS pallettes--so, you may need to recolor them to your liking (go to the tile editor, double click the tiles, then select the red wand & replace the colors as you wish)

07-23-2003, 01:03 PM
In English,

Open up a fresh Zquest, and go File > Export > Tiles.
Save that as whatever.
Open up your quest.
Go Quest > Graphics > Tiles. See what the last page of tiles is.
Close out of that, and go File > Import > Tiles.
whatever that page was, type it in.

Open Quest > Graphics > Tiles again, and go down to the new graphics. You should have everything from Guys, items, and new enemy tiles. You can simply delete what you don't want, and move what you do up using 'C' as copy, and 'M' as move.

recolor the dungeon tiles as stated by IDK.

Hope this helps.

07-23-2003, 01:23 PM
"In english..." what the heck does that mean?! so i'm not the most consise person...big deal--my explanation was perfectly fine, just a lil lengthy

07-23-2003, 07:11 PM
Ok I'll try what Ganonator said.