View Full Version : Conspiracy theorists on 9/11

07-22-2003, 08:45 PM
There are people who actually think that 9/11 was a conspiracy.


What is your opinion on it? Unjustified bullshit or truth?

07-22-2003, 08:59 PM
One thing is certain:anything is possible. I think it was all staged, hiding a similar plan. But that's just me.:shrug:

07-22-2003, 09:02 PM
I don't think it was a conspiracy. Though, the pictures of the burning Pentagon and Trade Center on the $20 bill are freaky...

07-22-2003, 09:05 PM
Not to mention all the other telltale signs that warned people of 9/11.

carrot red
07-22-2003, 09:12 PM
That's a very very long page to read and I skipped some of it. I'm amazed at how fast some people are able to read and digest informations.

Anywho, it was to be expected to see conspiracy theories springing, but that is bull to me.

True, some agencies have been sloppy and disregarded some warning signs, but it was unthinkable before it really happened.

07-22-2003, 10:04 PM
You guys are just figuring this out? This entire thing was staged so we dont complain about our rights being taken away.

You cant wear red, white, and blue to schools.

Exactly ten years before 9/11(on September 11th of 1991) a subminal announcement was made. "We are on the verge of a New World Order".

Anyone who tries to diss conspiracy theorists is just trying to live in their own little comfortable, falsified world. Oblivious to the reality that is about to consume them.

And for all you Christians out there, look it up. 911 is very important number to your feared athiest "enemies". Why do you think its how we reach the police?

In all technicality, the people who decide where to place the numbers "9/11" are doing it just for fun. Just as a message from them to you. "Hey , we own you!"

07-22-2003, 10:38 PM
i read the whole thing and alot of it makes sense, but...

beam weaponry disintagrating the towers... thats stretching too ffar even for my liking...

07-22-2003, 10:41 PM
Hey everyone who thinks there really is a conspiracy: I don't believe there is one pertaining to 911. I think all of you need to wake up and stop being so damned paranoid, or you're going to live a depressing, cold life of misery and let down after let down.

Now in the event that you guys are right and I'm totally wrong I'm going to get the hell out of America and live with my future wife on some deserted island that'll eventually be nuked.

Until then I'm going to be living my life with the knowledge of Christ as my guide and reason to live. I hope all of you can find the peace that Christ offers.

07-22-2003, 11:14 PM
I like playing six degrees of Kevin Bacon too, but I think most conspiracy theories are silly.

07-23-2003, 01:23 AM
Excrement. That's what I think of those views.

07-23-2003, 02:18 AM
This is great. There is nothing like someone who gets some sketchy "evidence" together and likes to think up "convincing" arguments based on this and thier "expert" knowledge of the pyshics of 747, large buildings, and metalurgy. Honestly you want to know what the real conspiracy is? Governments and groups do things to each other for one reason and good old George Carlin pointed it out, "What? They have bigger dicks than us? Bomb them! And for some reason all the missles and bombs are shaped liked dicks, that figures in there somehow."

07-23-2003, 03:53 AM
Has this guy ever considered a career as a fiction writer? He has a really active imagination. He'd do very well with it. On the other hand, he'd make one lousy prosecuting attourney, and would probably earn the name Don Quixote by his fellow lawyers.

The theory itself isn't even worth commentary.

Although if it were me running the conspiracy, I would probably just hire some men to act as hijackers, and find them a way to get off the plane unnoticed before take off. Then I could remotely control the actual planes without worrying someone would see the switch. So what if people died in the act? Their bodies would be all the more evidence if any part survived.

Just some of my thoughts.

07-23-2003, 04:24 AM
I find conspirocy theories really interesting, but I hardly ever believe them. I guess some truth could be found in them, but most of it is just someone with a creative mind linking a bunch of information and throwing it totally out of context. And most conspirocy theorists have never heard of the word 'coincidence'.