View Full Version : Danger sense

07-18-2003, 11:57 PM
Well this can have a few meanings. One way is that it could mean that you can figure out that certain situations are dangerous, but in another it could mean that you can feel when bad stuff can happen.

For me it's now. I am getting some bad vibes that the situation that I am experencing in Think Tank will ultimatly end in my banning, because I refuse to allow some person to continue to insist that I lie out of habit and I am in a cult. Last I checked-well that part can be for GB if I care.

The point is that currently I have this feeling, somewhere deep withing me, like my nerves are shot and because I have emotion I wish to express about that certain person, I am sort of conflicted because I know what I will say will be a flame, but on the other hand I do not want to banned. Perhaps I should ignore him, but that doesn't solve the infaction that I see. I know I shouldn't play rent-a-mod, I know I shouldn't say anything rash, but things are starting to clog up...

Well anyway, this is the "danger sense" that I am feeling.

Well anyway, to keep on topic, has anybody ever been in a situation where they either felt that they were in physical danger, before it happened, or in a situation where they feel that they will be hurt badly in other ways, like a loss of reputation or dicipline for somthing they didn't do? I really don't want this thread to go anywhere near a flame war or anything, hence why the topic is in GD and not GB.

07-19-2003, 05:23 AM
well, my danger sense is a shock-type feeling, like my whole body freezes, or my heart jumps up to my throat, or maybe this uter sick feeling in my gut... not very pleasant ill tell you that...

as far as expressing your feelings about a certain person, feel free to do so in GB, thats why its there... also, there is also a neat 'ignore' function in your user cp :thumbsup:

dont get too worked up over petty words, man, ignoring ignorance is usually easier than having to reply to its every whim... :)

07-19-2003, 08:10 AM
If you allow yourself to become angry about posts on this forum, you're taking this place way too seriously. If you allow yourself to become banned due to your anger, you've just let that other person play you like a fiddle.

No argument was ever won by allowing emotion to overpower logic. On the other hand, lots of people have been made to look pretty childish when that happened. Don't let this happen to you. :kawaii: (By "you," I mean anyone, not Jigglysaint in particular.)

07-20-2003, 07:37 AM
I'm not sure very many people have ever changed their opinions based on AGN debates, Jiggly. Whatever I may think of the Mormon faith, I hold nothing against you personally. So my advice would be to avoid responding to those threads for at least a few days and let it cool down a bit.

My concept of a danger sense is that it is a partially or fully subconscious facts your mind has collected that seem to indicate all is not right, and that you are therefore in a dangerous situation. A danger sense can be wrong, but I think it is usually at least partially right.

07-20-2003, 04:42 PM
Well I've concluded that my reaction to the threads were out of line, and I shouldn't have cracked like that. I should expect that people will end up saying things about my faith and about me just because it's different. Then again, I do not know of any other situation in Think Tank that came even close to another person, even an athiest.

07-20-2003, 06:29 PM
Don't tell anyone this Jiggly, but I've been a bit miffed by some responses by those in the atheist crowd. But it sounds like you got it licked.

They might very well say the same thing about my responses to them.

07-20-2003, 06:32 PM
Well if I can get though it, so can anybody else. I dunno but perhaps the rules of religous debate should be examined just in case a situation arises when people start to mock and belittle and judge other's beliefs.

07-20-2003, 06:41 PM
By the way, Jiggly. I noticed you've managed to get listed in Breaker's custom title. I AM impressed..

We'll have to discuss about end times and eternal judgments and such later. I need my beauty sleep.

07-20-2003, 06:48 PM
lol, for somebody who loaths my existance I've sure got his attention. Sometimes i wonder if his extreme prejustice is just a joke...