View Full Version : secondary flags

07-17-2003, 11:11 AM
quite straight to the point: what are they, what do they do, and how do i use them?

07-17-2003, 11:18 AM
Secondary flags are flags for the Secret Combos. In the game when the secret is triggered and the combo appears on the screen, the secondary flag will be put over it. This is useful for looping secrets, like switches and blocks that pop up and down.

In the Secret Combo editor hold ctrl and click on any combo, and it will ask what flag you want as the secondary flag.

For example: You have a secret combo that's triggered when Link shoots a statue with an arrow. In the Secret Combo editor you then have an arrow combo set to a push block with a secondary flag set to Push 4-way. Now, Link must push the block in order for the dungeon door to open.

Hope that helps, and good luck.

07-17-2003, 01:28 PM
yes, its a great way of making puzzles where you must light torches in a certain order, or making push blocks appear, or having multiple triggers in order for certain secrets to appear--when my quest comes out, it will have neat examples of what you can do using secondary flags--if you want more information, see my tutorial online (the link is in my sig), or simply download the text file of it (right click the bottom link & select save as...)

07-17-2003, 07:07 PM
which tutorial? I looked at both and don't see it in either, maybe you need to update?

07-17-2003, 08:05 PM
ooh! its not in there!!! damn it! what a bummer?! well, alright, i'll work on a tutorial for this, because its something that really can do wonders when used--in my quest, i use secondary flags all over the place; in fact, ironically, i used them like Tsukuru described, where you must first shoot a statue with an arrow & then push it--basically, when using secondary flags, your giving secrets flags, just like Tsukuru said--here's things you can do with 'em:
-you can have things like where you have two switches; 1 is activated & another isn't and you can keep stepping on the deactivated one to activate it & deactivate the other & depending on which one is activated, certain secrets will appear
-make it so that first you must light a torch & then push it around
-you can require the player to light torches in a certain order; place the burn flag (#4) over the first torch to be lit, then place flags 16, 17, 18, etc on the remaing torches; set the secondary flag of secret combo 18 to be flag 17; set secondary flag of secret combo 17 to be flag 16. set the secondary flag of secret combo 16 to be the burn flag. set the secret combo of the "burn" flag to be a lighted torch
-you can have appearing treasure chests; like place flag 16 on the screen & set its secret combo to be a treasure chest & its secondary flag to be "armos->item" and then have a weapons trigger on that screen or set the "enemies->secret" flag. then set the undercombo & secret item like normal.
-these are just some of the many examples; you can do soo much with secondary flags!

07-17-2003, 10:38 PM
I know, I'm sure I'll be using them. ;)

07-18-2003, 11:08 AM
here's an in-depth look at precisely how to use secondary flags to your advantage (i suggest copying this to a text file & look at this while working in zquest):

Secondary Flags
-Secondary flags are the flags attached to secret combos; basically whenever you have a secret flag and it activates, the flag changes into a secret combo With this version, you can actually attach secret flags to secret combos. The reason
these flags are secondary is because they do not affect anything until that secret combos "primary" flag is activated
-holding control while clicking a secret combo allows you to set the secondary flag
-whenever you have the secondary flag of a weapon trigger flag's secret combo be that same flag, that combo can repeatedly be activated by that weapon an infinite number of times
-if the secondary flag of secret combo of flag 16 is flag 17, then when one trigger is first activated, secret combo 16 will appear first & then when a second trigger is activated, the secret combo of flag 16 will change again to secret combo of flag 17; thus, you can make something such as a block change after two triggers
by making the secret combo of flag 16 be the same combo as the combo you will be placing that flag over and then making the secret combo of flag 17 to be the changed combo.
-if you want a push block to appear, simply have a trigger of some sort, then place flag 16 and set its secret combo to look like a push block & then set its secondary flag to be a "push..." flag of some kind.
-in order to make an obstacle such as a block or a wall that temporarily retracts so that link can walk over it for a period of time, you can use secondary flags & combo cycling. First, make two series of combos:
1. 5 combos, each cycle to the next; 4 look like burned torches & have a A. Frame # of 4 & A. Speed of 10. The fifth one looks like a burned out torch & does not cycle to anything.
2. The second series has the same # of combos & each combo has the same # of frames & a. speed, except the combos look like a lowered block or wall that link can step over; the last one in this series looks like a regular wall/block that link can't go through.
Now, place the 5th combo of each series on the screen (the burned-out torch & then block/wall) and then place flag 4 (burn) over the
torch & flag 16 over the obstacle/block. Now, go to the secret combos menu & for the burn secret combo set its combo to the 1st combo in series 1 and set its secondary flag to "Burn". For the secret combo of flag 16 set its combo to the 1st combo in series 2 & set its secondary flag to flag 16. Now, the player must burn the torch & while the torch is lit, the wall will be down, allowing link to pass through it temporarily, but after awhile, the wall will go back up and the torch will blow out (both should happen at the same time, assuming the number of combos, the # of A. Frames for each combo, & the A. Speed of each combo in both series 1 & 2 are all equal to each other.
-making a treasure chest appear: place flag 16, have a trigger of some sort (or set the enemies->secret screen flag) and set the secret combo of flag 16 to be the closed treasure chest & set its secondary flag to be the "armos->item" flag. Set the undercombo & special item & your done! You can make a nice effect if you want to, so that the treasure chest will actually "spawn"; i simply overlapped the tiles used for the "spawn" sprite with the tile used for the ground/floor & then i made a combo, who's A. Frames is 4 & A. speed is 8, then i cycled it to the treasure chest. Instead of setting the secret combo of flag 16 to the treasure chest, i set it to the previously described combo that cyles to the chest.

07-21-2003, 11:03 AM
woah i wasn't expecting that much help! you guys are great!!

07-21-2003, 06:06 PM
If you want to see some good examples, download J:R that is in my sig, and play through the dungeons. Those are the most basic forms of tierred combos, aka secondary flags.