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View Full Version : Summer Vacation 2003

07-14-2003, 12:56 PM
we just got back from vacation, in which we rented an RV and drove from wisconsin, through illinois, through indiana, through ohio, through pennsylvania, into new york state in which we went to niagara falls.

apparently some guy went over the falls in a life jacket and swim fins and died shortly before we got there, we didn't know that at the time, but it was in the paper the next day. the falls were pretty cool, we went on the boat tour in which you ride in a little tugboat right up to the falls, there were seagulls everywhere, as well as indian people, by which i mean people from india, not native americans. not that i have anything against indian people, but one had to wonder why so many of them were all at niagara falls. about the only other white people there were the workers. it was like being a minority for a day, which was actually pretty cool. except i didn't have any of the descrimination stuff. anyhow, then we went on this 'cave of the winds' tour in which you walk down a stair case right into the american falls. skidphyzz and i got soaked right through our complimentary ponchos.

after the falls we went out to new hampshire and waded in the ocean (well, it was actually an inlet) and then went back to pennsylvania where we went to gettysburg.

gettysburg was pretty cool, other than the fact that my parents insisted on driving through the auto tour insanely slowly, reading each one of the plaques and video recording it. we have the most boring video recordings ever, being mostly footage of the road as we drove.

that was one of the problems with the trip, most of the while was just sitting on the RV, looking at scenery, which consisted of far off hills covered in trees. we didn't even see any mountains or go to new york city. what i would really want to do would be take a trip to nyc and go to a taping of conan o'brien.

anyhow, the trip was pretty fun, other than my parents being overbearing. my dad tells everyone the same stuff five times. 'gonna go over there, to the kwick stoppe. to get gas. at the quick stop. over there. i'll have to turn right. to get there. the quick stop. that one. for gas. so it's really...' and he just leaves a sentance half finished. oh well, at least i had golden sun: the lost age to keep me company. i bought it just before the trip for the express purpose of passing the time. i beat in i think four days, but that was about eight hours a day of playing, which was also about how long we rode in the RV each day. it is a long ass game, although one i reccomend to anyone who has played golden sun one.

i'll post some pics later. :P

07-14-2003, 01:33 PM
sounds exciting. ive been to niagra falls before...by any chance did you see the falls at night when they're colorfully lit up?

Jawa Podracer
07-14-2003, 03:13 PM
Sounds cool. I've been to Niagra Falls, but that was when I was a baby. It sounds something similar to what I'nm doing in a couple days, except I'm going from New Jersey to Missouri. I want to see the pics of the Falls.