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View Full Version : Professor with a stick up his ass.

07-09-2003, 02:55 PM
So I'm in my second week of my Political Science class. Its going okay, I'm understanding the material well and I got a B on the last test.

The problem is...the professor. He glares at me during every pause during the lecture. The class isn't that big, so I'm easily singled out. Come test day, I was ten minutes late. Today after class, he waits til everyone is out of the classroom to give me my test and yell at me for being late, threatening that the next time I am, "You might as well pack up your shit and leave at break, because I'm going to give you an F, even if you get a 95 on all the tests. If you thinking I'm bluffing, you got another thing coming."

I can understand that he'd be a little disappointed or even a bit offended for me showing up on that one day, but threatening me with an F for it? Why not some kind of friendly warning? I don't understand the guy, he even took points off my test from questions I KNOW I got right becasue of this I'm assuming. I wouldn't have argued with this if he would have put a note on there that said: Late -10 points...or something like that.

What a dick.

carrot red
07-09-2003, 05:56 PM
This is called abuse of power and yes, some professors do that.
Try not to antagonize him and to always be on time, maybe he'll get off your case and find another prey.
There's nothing you can do about that.

07-09-2003, 09:38 PM
That is quite rediculous. Might I suggest reporting it to the school board?

07-09-2003, 09:55 PM
umm...you could always do something to draw his attention to another student. like order a pizza and have it delivered in class to someone else. to make it look like they think they're funny or somethin. or you could just tell him to get stuffed.

Jawa Podracer
07-09-2003, 09:58 PM
You should report to the Board of Education in your town. I don't think teachers are allowed to fail you just for the hell of it.

07-09-2003, 10:07 PM
What a dick indeed. Going to the Board of Education at this point might not do much seeing as you have only this occurence to report, as furtive glaring is no basis as a complaint. In all probably they would side with the professor anyway.

However, if it continues throughout the semester and there is more concrete evidence that he is giving you an F just because he dislikes you then it is definitely something worth raising your voice about.

Master Ghaleon
07-09-2003, 10:39 PM
What an ass... Has he done that to any other classmates of yours? If he threatens you agian I would go and tell the Board what he has been doing to you. If that doesnt work and if your a phycho, time to bring out the shotgun!!

07-10-2003, 12:43 AM
I've been fanticizing about killing the bastard all day...

Actually, I might go to the department chair if it continues, but if not, I'll just hope for the best.

07-10-2003, 12:47 AM
Umm, I think he is in college, or at a university, so there is no BoE to run and cry too. I had some stupid professors last semester and I would recommend avoiding any further conflicts with him until he goes after another student. Remember, he is a fat, bald, glasses wearing geek with a failing marriage (if he is even married), and he sticks his nose in books about how the French revolution affected the current world political systems, or something as dumb as that. The way he treats you is just a pathetic grab at power from a man who has wasted his life.

I had a professor who was receiving death threats because of the plagiarism lawsuit he was filing against his former Yale professor. Universities are as sad as high school, except more money is involved.

07-10-2003, 07:01 AM
Quite a set of presumptions you're working from there, Rufus... :kawaii:

Yeah, Sir Anthony, the department chair sounds like your best bet if this continues. Try to get as much documentation as possible, so that you can show that you're not just making stuff up because of a personality conflict between you and the prof. If that doesn't work, you may have to dig out the student handbook (especially if your grade is affected); there's probably some sort of formal grievance procedure in there.

07-10-2003, 03:22 PM
Yeah, cry me a river man.... you're going to have to deal with stupid people your whole life.... just go to class on time, pass your tests, and be done with him after this semester/quarter....

my best advice is to do whatever you have to do to get your grade, and forget about it after its all over...

07-10-2003, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Sub-Zero
Yeah, cry me a river man.... you're going to have to deal with stupid people your whole life.... just go to class on time, pass your tests, and be done with him after this semester/quarter....

my best advice is to do whatever you have to do to get your grade, and forget about it after its all over...

Its called blowing steam, buddy. Everyone does it. If you want to give someone that kinda BS, go post in ZeldaClassci's cussing post.

07-10-2003, 05:08 PM
I had a teacher like that...she just hated everyone. She would regularly run out of the room crying and yelling at us...all because we talked in class. No wonder I never learned any Spanish.

07-10-2003, 07:20 PM
You might be able to pursue grievances with enough documentation, but short of that or continued harassment, I'd stick to doing my best not to give him another opportunity to be offended by your actions.