View Full Version : DoY question again

07-09-2003, 04:08 AM
hi folks,

i coulnt solve my problem, and i know, it is silly to open a new thread again, but i am waiting since 5 days, and nobody answers.

the sit: i am ready with mirage (but i still dont know, if i have to make it 2 times, or not). i couldnt figure out the maze in the desert. i went to the little girl dream, and became some info in the village,crossed the water, entered the mines(found only one entrance i can enter), explored the mines(there is a key in a chest, i cant pick up, because of the heavy stones ), and could not finish, because i miss the last key.
so i went back to errors dream, found 2 keys. opened a door in the gallery, and cant see, what to do there next. so i went back to the mines, opened the door to the boss, but i think i will need thehammer-axe to kill the miriad of black darknuts.
i do not have the axe, the hookshot, i didnt found a relic stone in the mines.

now i really dont have any ideas where to go and what to do.

please, please help.

07-09-2003, 09:32 AM
1. Find the Mirage palace. Its to the west of Kanavas. Follow the red snakes.

2. The Bleu Darknauts can be killed without the axe. Though if you want the axe...

3. ...finish the Gallery. You'll need to push blocks and go through walk-throguh walls to finish it. Remember the Zelda credo; push every block, kill every enemy, bomb/push on every wall. You'll also have to find keys in the Mine to replace the Gallery keys you used up.
