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07-08-2003, 10:56 PM
Okay, I am a furry, though not that hardcore. Anyways that's not the point. I was looking at some furry webpages and came across this link, http://www.pisoc.org/index.html. They are a christian site that claims to help "save" people from the furry fandom. At first I thought it was possibly a real site. Different religous people get fired up about different things. However, I then found some things that made me think it was a joke, but on the other hand it doesn't seem like a joke.

I was wondering if anyone has ever seen this site. I will warn you that it says some pretty mean stuff about women. Something about how they shouldn't be on the internet, and that they can't read. It's really confusing. If you happen to go there be sure to check out the 10 quick facts about sexual disorders page, and the about Pastor links. Let me know if you think it's a joke or not. :confuse2:

07-08-2003, 10:59 PM
"Furry Fandom" was started as a military project in Hitler's Germany, as part of a Nazi experiment to create a race of cat-like "super-people".

As they get deeper into "the lifestyle", furries use their fursuits to smuggle drugs, anthrax, or other contraband. Indeed, since no respectable employer would ever hire a furry, most are forced to find work either as drug dealers or terrorist mules.

The furry term "yiff" comes from what furries believe to be the sound that a furry's blade makes disemboweling a "hyooman". Accordingly, the term "yiffy" referrs to anything which can be used to torture, mutilate, sodomize, and slaughter "hyoomans". Many have the terms "yiffy" and "yiff" with sex -- they are only so related as VIOLENT sex. Any sexualized "yiffy" picture is in fact depicting a creature about to kill a "hyooman" as part of the sex act.

Fanatical cult or big joke. I always understood "yiff" to be the noise two foxes would make if they were....

/me remembers he whould always end his stories one sentence sooner

Interesting name for the pastor... Roose... a play on "ruse" perhaps?

As it says in Regulations 13:13 "Lo, spead the word that ye shall be in Christ and Christ is above the beasts of the lamb; it is better to do anything necessary to stop furry relations than to do nothing."

I have never heard of Regulations.

So there I was eating a mixture of leftovers and old tampons, when all of a sudden without warning I felt weak and dizzy and sick. I passed out when a giant pink field burst before my eyes and revealed to me that I was not a pig, yea I was not a pig but a lamb like Him. When I awoke from passing out I came inside, cleaned up, got dressed, beat my girlfriend within an inch of her life, and left to get my MA in Theology.
After reading this, you really had doubts as to whether it was a joke or not? Not to mention that the links page lists Landover Baptist (http://www.landoverbaptist.org/) as a "Godly website".


07-08-2003, 11:06 PM
Ah I didn't see that part of the page AtmaWeapon. Still I maintain that it is a pretty messed up site that really has no point.

07-08-2003, 11:09 PM
In the immortal words of Lilith: "I'm not you furry!"

07-08-2003, 11:14 PM
"If nothing is done to stop this growing anti-Christian menace, soon every young man in the country will be cavorting, practicing homosexuality in "Jar Jar Binks" fursuits, and canning his own applesauce. "


This place is crazy...

07-08-2003, 11:21 PM
It is very well known in he Furry fandom.

It is nothing more than a joke, a sad attempt at humor. Landover Baptsist should be proof enough.

As for the word Yiff, it means two things. One; the sound a fox makes while having sex: and two; as a synomym for sex, but never in place of the more vulgar "f" word, for example something is yiffy if it is sexy or to yiff means to make love to.

07-08-2003, 11:23 PM
Yeah when I orginally posted this I hadn't looked at the whole site. But what atmaweapon found proves it's a joke. I had to ask because I have seen things just as wierd as this that where meant to be taken seriously, and I imagine that there are reliogions(sp) out there who wouldn't like furries very much at all.

07-08-2003, 11:26 PM
Well of course some religious people would consider furry fandom to be sinful. Just look at the more wild aspects of the fandom sometimes.

Everyonce in awhile a notably annoying and irritating website will pop up trying to spread disinformation. Some work, others(like this one) don't, but all die sooner or later.

07-08-2003, 11:37 PM
As far as I'm concerned, if two people decide that it enhances their normal sexual experience to have some cat ears or makeup on, let them be. Personally, I have less misgivings about it if they are of opposite sex, but other people's bedrooms are not my business. Unless I'm Bob Vila...

... or am I?

07-08-2003, 11:41 PM
Are You?

I agree, I have nothing against cat ears and makeup. But canning your own applesauce? That's just sickining.

07-08-2003, 11:47 PM
You're right pink demon. I'm a furry and all but I will not condon the canning of applesauce.

On a side note, I can't belive I was stupid enough to even consider for a moment that this site might be real. Oh well, everyone has stupid moments. Some have more than others, hope I'm not one of them.

07-08-2003, 11:51 PM
I AM BOB VILA. I am here to remodel your bedroom, definitely not to look for dildos (dildoes?). I am definitely not going to wear your clothes when you are not looking, and I am most definitely not going to use a Dremel tool to burn an image of my naked body beneath your hardwood floors. There will be no yiffing while I'm around. Only hardwood, nailing, and screwing. I promise not to get any caulk on anything.

07-08-2003, 11:58 PM
:odd: I didn't see that one coming.

Well, it's good to know that you won't be wering my clothes, or using a Dremel tool to burn an image of your naked body beneath my hardwood floors. And no Yiffing.

Thank god for that.

And there sure as hell better not be any Caulk on anything... if you'r going to be screwing, it's only right to clean up after yourself.


07-09-2003, 01:19 AM
Ok, what is furry? I don't nderstand a word of this thread right now.

07-09-2003, 01:28 AM
Well swe, the bob villa thing is just atmaweapon being wierd.

And if you want to know what a furry is check out this thread http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=73525

07-09-2003, 02:17 AM
To answer your original question, "What is this site?"

...IT'S A PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S WHAT IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!


