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07-07-2003, 03:33 PM
Was searchin around on CNN a little more and I found thsi article on sex in video games, found it interesting... story here (http://money.cnn.com/2002/09/16/commentary/game_over/column_gaming/)

07-07-2003, 03:52 PM
I think that CNN writer should die for indirectly trying to say Dead or Alive was just "digital flesh" and not a good game. Tecmo isn't some shitty company, they are good at what they do, and if they put in sexy characters, it's all the better.

I don't know about that BMX XXX or Tomb Raider. I never liked BMX games or Tomb Raider games. And GTA would have been very odd if they DIDN'T have hookers in it.

I guess people just can't get over Super Mario Brothers to realize that games like Doom and Dead or Alive have their places as well. However a game that is just shitty gameplay with some sort of sex appeal tacked on would be stupid. It would have to be a good game with sex appeal to work, because if it's a bad game wouldn't you just get porn or something? heh.

Anyways, I wish they'd just stop whining.

07-07-2003, 04:33 PM
Tomb Raider was a good game. It was challenging, it was fun. Having Lara Croft being hot was added fun, but if the playable character was someone grotesque, me for example, it woulda still been a bad ass game. I've always hated the GTA games, they have no depth or real purpose. You get 2 choices, do missions where you can kill people, or just go out and kill people. I enjoy games that challenge me, not just feed my libido. The BMX game sounds fun, teh porn is a plus, but I would probably still play it without teh porn, and I'd love it too. Acclaim & Activision makes some of teh most bad ass games. I love all teh Tony Hawk, Dave Mirra, and Matt Hoffman games, which is weird cause I hate skateboarding and BMX. They are putting to much attention on the few games that offer sex as an alternative to great game play. What about the games that carry the market? The Zelda's, the Mario's. Any company can put out any game that offers whatever it wants, but when it comes down to it, no game will be better or out sale than a new mario or zelda game *shrugs* just my opinion.

Ad from BMX XXX, it's funny (http://www.bmxxxx.com/thisisbmx/movies/mpg_01a.html)

07-07-2003, 05:41 PM
I think sex has no place in video games, but hey...that's just me. They'll do just about anything to sell things these days.

/me shrugs

07-07-2003, 06:54 PM
Sex references in video games are like big explosions - though they are usually a nice bonus, they are no replacement for solid gameplay or a fluid interface. BMX XXX, for instance, was lame, because the game was intended even by its creators to be a hollow, shallow game.

Master Ghaleon
07-07-2003, 08:53 PM
I think sex should be in games that are supposed to have sex in it or a game that makes a good plot with sex in it. Like you arent gonna see Echo the dolphin having sex with other dolphins. Maybe make a sim game where you choose your wife and you wanna have kids so you have sex with her :shrug:

07-07-2003, 09:06 PM
i agree with dark dragon on this matter and i agree with the editors opinion as well. an example: if nintendo (and this is my opinion) added a love story to a new zelda game, i think it would ruin the game to some degree. the fun factor has the final say.

thats what video are meant to be. fun.

of course, everybodies definition of fun is different

07-07-2003, 09:24 PM
Sex in video games?
Yea go for it but personally I would not buy a game for sexual content.
If I want that I can browse the web, buy a #^@* book, or rent an associated movie.
I am married so I can get the real thing when I want (most of the time anyway).
I play games to escape reality, get away for a bit and go on an adventure. Do things that I can not do in real life.
Beat the bad guys, save the world, get the girl? Sure, but I don't want to screw her.
So what do I have to do, thumb mash till the girl screams?
No thanks, I'll pass.
But the showy display of scantly clad girls is ok; Laura Croft is a favorite of mine. Would I have played the games is not for her?
Don't know, have played them all and will soon get the new PS2 one. But I have not played a single mission of Metal Gear.
I have herd they are great and on a mission, chapter based story type, not unlike Tomb Raiders.
So maybe sex does sell, but how far do you want to take it?

carrot red
07-07-2003, 09:34 PM
So maybe sex does sell, but how far do you want to take it?

It's the fun factor that sells, not the flesh factor.
While I agree with Foxy sort of, I still think they're making of it a lot more than it really is.

07-08-2003, 11:53 AM
It's okay to have a female main character in video games (Metriod, Mischief Makers), but sometimes they take it too far. Games like Metriod are good because Samus keeps her Power Suit on for the whole game. And in the older ones, she takes off her armor reavealing what she was wearing underneath. A one piece swimsuit thingy.

Then there's games like Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball. DoA is supposed to be a fighting game where you kick the snot out of your friends. Not a game where you watch digitized women's breasts bounce up and down.

You could probably see the real thing for free if you have internet access or a wife (and if your wife is willing to agree).

Jawa Podracer
07-08-2003, 08:15 PM
That's what I hate about most video games these days. A lot of game sell because they have porn and/or sexual content in them, along with violence, drugs, etc. That's why I like Nintendo's games: They don't need hookers and blood everywhere to make a good game.

07-08-2003, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Jawa Podracer
That's what I hate about most video games these days. A lot of game sell because they have porn and/or sexual content in them, along with violence, drugs, etc.

I believe you are over-expanding the situation. There are, on the occasion, some mentions of sexual material or drugs, but they are rare and often side points of a game, while violence is a necessity in many action games. (Don't tell me that Link killing a Goron is not violence.)

And, like most people who play console/computer games, I more often look for a game that contains good gameplay and graphics, rather than something to get me aroused. (Isn't that what the pornography industry is for?)

07-08-2003, 10:59 PM
There's nothing wrong with sexual content in video games, especially if it adds to the fun. ( Just don't take it to seriusly- it's a game, after all.)

Good examples are DOA or Fallout 2.. Both are very fun and use sexual content to add to game.