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View Full Version : experimental treasure chest game

07-02-2003, 01:38 PM
here's how one might make a 'treasure chest game' where you have to pick the right chest with the treasure in it or else ya get nothing (kinda like in OoT):
1. place two or three treasure chests symetrically on the screen
2. set the under combo to be the opened chest
3. place flag 10 over one of the treasure chests
4. place the "wooden sword" flag over the other two
5. surround all the treasure chests with identical floor tiles
6. set the wooden sword secret combo to be an opened treasure chest
7. set the secret combo of flag 16 to be a pit combo that looks like the floor
8. place flag 16 all around the two 'fake' treasure chests (the ones with the wooden sword lfag over them
9. set the tile warp to an identical screen with all opened treasure chests & no items
10. in the original screen, set the room type to special item & set the special item to be the 'treasure', such as a heart container piece
--what should happen is if link slashes any of the fake treasure chests, the other ones will appear to open & he will not be able to get the special item; however, if he slashes the correct treasure chest, he'll get the correct item--if we had a room type where a special game, possibly consisting of 3 different prizes in 3 different treasure chests, then we could make the game be more random, but for now, this should work fine--it'd be even nicer if we had two different warps

07-08-2003, 11:42 PM
maybe even figure out how to put the three way warp in with it to make it random? that may work with practice.....:D