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View Full Version : What is a furry?

07-02-2003, 01:58 AM
I like bunnies a lot. I also thinks it's sexy when a girl dresses up like a bunny or cat, like the cat lady from Monkeybone. This has caused me to be accused by Sir_Anthony's girlfriend of being a furry. I looked it up on the internet but didn't find a lot of information on it, so I was wondering if anyone knows what a furry is?

07-02-2003, 02:26 AM
furries or plushies are generally people who get sexual gratification by fantasizing about encounters with cute furry animals, stuffed animals and/or people dressed in costumes. furries or plushies are also those who dress up in fur suits for sexual gratification of themselves and/or others.
i'll see what i can dig up link-wise. it's something that really can't be easily described...you just have to see it.

07-02-2003, 03:46 AM
I always thought that Catwoman from the old Batman shows had the nicest ass... :drool: but anywho...

07-02-2003, 06:55 PM
Ah, where's Meta when you need him to explain something like this?

07-02-2003, 07:15 PM
I always had a thing for Babs Bunny, does that count?

07-02-2003, 07:56 PM
Aaa...yeah...aaa...I'm turned on...right....


Actualy I'm more into beavers. :naughty:

07-02-2003, 08:47 PM
i always thought a furry was a drawing of an animal or something that exists in nature in a certain style...

J.J. Maxx
07-02-2003, 08:48 PM
Ooooh yeah... kitty porn.


And just for kicks, the cat-lady from monkeybone:


07-02-2003, 08:58 PM
I think a furry is a drawing of an anthromorphic mammal. Y'know, like a rabbit that walks on it's hind legs with certain... Features...

07-02-2003, 09:22 PM
A furry belongs to a minority of people who get aroused at the site of animals that look very similar to humans, or sentient, human-like animals. They also typically engage in sex in, "fursuits" (Basically large, body encompassing animal costumes.) using specially designed holes in the suit. This is also called, "yiffing." (The holes are called, "yiffs," hence the term.) They are very similar to people who enjoy beastiality, but do not cross the border on it because of the, "humanlike" qualities of the chosen targets.

I do not believe that what you experience is being a, "furry." You are simply getting aroused by the sight of a beautiful woman wearing a costume that may associate them with some animal, but you do not directly wish to have sex with them as if they were dressed in a full-body fox or a rabbit costume.

07-02-2003, 09:47 PM
aha....here we go:

the text file (http://www.velocity.net/~galen/asp-faq.txt) if you're underage

or his main definition page (cut and paste it if you're over 18) www.velocity.net/~galen/furrydef.html which does have clickable links to what might be considered adult material. by someone. or something.

07-03-2003, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by inori
Ah, where's Meta when you need him to explain something like this?

You don't need Meta to explain this, I can do it easily. My avatar isn't an anthro dolphin for nothing.

Simply put a furry is a fan of anthropomorphic animals, whether they look human or simply act it. Furry is a fandom oriented subculture. Many furs get sexually aroused at good pictures or stories of anthros, and may even fantasize about them. Many furries also dress in fursuits, and some have sex in said suits(about 1%). Most furs however simply enjoy good pictures/comics/stories involving anthros. The fandom is marked by its tightness while having deep divisions, and its almost complete hatred of the media. Furry(or anthropomorphic) conventions are held multiple times per year in different places.

To clear up any confusion. Furry fandom is not related to bestiality, or plushophilia. Sure some furs fit these two catagories, but the only good study done shows that the number is really small. Don't listen to MTV or Vanity Faire articles, or most mainstream media coverage, they do edit and look for the most shocking quotes possible.

It is a complicated subject, and while Cyberkitten's link(the copy and paste one in her last post) is helpful, it doesn't go into the half of it. I'll try to dig up some good links written by members of the fandom for you.

Take it from a furry.

07-03-2003, 12:36 AM
For some reason, this thread just freaks me out...

/me runs away

/me runs back

...although, I do love cats quite a bit. But I never thought I'd see the day when saying that might actually make someone think I might be into them as more than just...pets. :eek:

/me runs away again

07-03-2003, 12:42 AM
First of all I'd like to thank everyone for the info. I've found out that in all likelyhood I am indeed a furry. I don't however like the full body suits like some of them like. I like more than anything the pictures like that of the cat lady from monkeybone.

I'm sure that at some point Sir_Anthony will be posting on this forum to tease me about this. He doesn't really need anything more to tease me about but oh well.

07-03-2003, 12:56 AM
I told you I'd get soem links, well here are some.

Here is a very general introduction to anthropomorphics and furry. (http://www.mongoose.net/intro.htm)

Here is a brief but well thought out socialogical analysis of the fandom, complete with the raw data. (http://www.visi.com/~phantos/furrysoc.html)

Here is a text file hosted on my domain. (http://www.menokh.com/furry_Emerald_Dragon.txt) You may need to download it and view it seperately. It was written by a fur whose nickname is Emerald Dragon, she said I could use it on my site if I ever wanted to.

And you're welcome.

07-03-2003, 01:36 AM
I have noted that there does tend to be a lot of furry stuff at anime conventions as well. Probably the same at other cartooning conventions as well.

07-03-2003, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by TheGeepster
I have noted that there does tend to be a lot of furry stuff at anime conventions as well. Probably the same at other cartooning conventions as well.

Well, yeah.
The fandoms do overlap at points.
Remember, though, not ALL fans of anthro art are furs, it is one of those confusing things.

If anyone has more questions, feel free to ask, I'll do my best to answer, as there is a saying in the Furry fandom, "There are as many definitions of 'furry' and 'furry fandom' as there are furs."

07-03-2003, 06:13 AM
Now I'm curious. Does furry refer to the very realistic anthropomorphic animals, or does it include the more cartoonish examples? (like Sonic and Tails for instance) And might it include non-mammals creatures such as reptiles and amphibians, or mythical creatures such as a walking cockatrice or sphinx?

07-03-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Foxy
For some reason, this thread just freaks me out...

/me runs away

/me runs back

...although, I do love cats quite a bit. But I never thought I'd see the day when saying that might actually make someone think I might be into them as more than just...pets. :eek:

/me runs away again

moo baby, moo ;)

/me stops and looks at Jemsee

You're a dirty old man! *giggles* Jemsee likes beavers... *snickers*

07-03-2003, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by TheGeepster
Now I'm curious. Does furry refer to the very realistic anthropomorphic animals, or does it include the more cartoonish examples? (like Sonic and Tails for instance) And might it include non-mammals creatures such as reptiles and amphibians, or mythical creatures such as a walking cockatrice or sphinx?

Yes, furry can include both cartonnish and "realistic" anthros. And it does include anthro reptiles and amphibians and even fish! And it also inludes mythological creatures, and even taurs.

I'm not sure where the term furry came from as it is not a very descriptive word, but it is used for all sorts of anthromorphs.