View Full Version : lens of truth

06-30-2003, 12:47 PM
i want to make the lens of truth mandatory in order to complete my quest but i'm not quite so sure how to do so--are there any ways of making puzzles that the lens of truth might be required to solve? i know that it makes it easier to find secrets & such, but how can i use the lens creatively? has anyone else really used the lens as a required item (or just an extra?)

06-30-2003, 01:49 PM
how about a totally dark room with an invisible path you need to look at the lens to look at? you make the path, mark it, and the rest of the room places you in a similar room with the exit closed and the whole room walkable.

You could also make puzzles that, without having forknowlege how to solve, and impossible unless you get a hint. That's the reason why so many people got stuck in my quest, too many hidden triggers and not enough clues.

07-01-2003, 03:52 AM
I've done everything from hidden doors to fake block puzzles to secret paths above lava. My personal favorite would be normal ground with convey properties, where you must look through the lens to know where to go.

as far as making this mandatory, think of a puzzle with a BUNCH of possible block triggers, and only 4 blocks - just like the newAllStars quest. that would make it mandatory, or you just being damn lucky.

07-01-2003, 09:10 AM
YOu could always just have loads of blocks, but you need to use a bomb, candle or anything else on them to destroy them (but keeping them the exact same tiles as the permenant blocks) They could still get through it all, but it'd take a very long time to figure out which ones to blow up.