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View Full Version : Convention Video Test

06-28-2003, 09:15 AM
When my brother sent me his old PC it came with a video capture card and a program called Studio DC10 by Pinnacle systems.
I took it out and put it into my main pc with the larger HD.

So I have been messing with it and it works ok, I guess.
I can capture video from my camera and there are several settings to choose from to make a digital movie.
On my own PC it looks great, but the file was about 60megs.
So I played with the settings and got it down to 18meg and uploaded it to my host.
With all the pictures and now this not sure how much space I have left. They do not tell you with ftp; just have to add it up.

Anyway one minuet = 18meg and I have over 30 min of film.
This link is one minuet. (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tests/agntest3.avi)
On it is JJ, DragonFang, AlexMax, Gerudo, moocow, and Foxy.
Please let me know if you can download it at all and how it works.
Remember I had to sacrifice quality to get the size down.
If this works I will do some more tests and try to get some small 5 or 10 min movies up, that is if I have the space.

So tell me if:
1 you can get it.
2 how long of a DL.
3 how it looks to you.

J.J. Maxx
06-28-2003, 09:57 AM
Worked great for me. Took like 2 minutes and isn't terrible quality. The dancing could use some work but.. :thumbsup:

06-28-2003, 01:07 PM
took me like minute and a half...

the video quality is ok.. i can deal with it

however a word of warning.. this video may cause extreme nausea.. download at your own risk!

06-28-2003, 02:02 PM
took me about 90 seconds to download. not too bad. and the quality is fine. i have unlimited space with my domain (helps when you're a friend of the owner of the hosting company :)
so we can upload them if you're worried about space limitations with your host. i'd probably have to have you dcc them to me (or zaph) in chat, as they're too big for email, or download them as you're uploading so you don't go over your space allotment.

*sigh* last week we were all hangin out. i miss everybody!

06-28-2003, 02:08 PM
1. Yes
2. 1 min 10 sec
3. Looks ok!

I lub DDR :D

06-28-2003, 04:56 PM
1.) yes

2.) about 5 minutes because if my suck download speed (which was ~200k/s)

3.) looks ok for me!

good job, jemsee!

oh, Alex, if you see this, tell me what DDR song that is, it sounded cool!

06-28-2003, 06:31 PM
For some stupid reason I only got the sound....Meh, I'll try again later heh, it sounds like there somethign to do with DDR so...I wanna see this!

06-28-2003, 11:00 PM
worked fine
dled fine
looked and sounded fine

06-29-2003, 04:00 AM
"Alex is jammin out over there even without a pad"

I'm such a geek. I dunno how long it took to download. The link opened straight up into the video for me :p Good enough quality for me, too ;)

06-29-2003, 06:01 AM
It downloaded plenty fast. The video quality is good. The video content is scary. :O

06-29-2003, 06:14 AM
Well, the quality is pretty good, but the video is just..I dunno..o.O