View Full Version : WTF just happened?

06-28-2003, 02:56 AM
I have just recently been awoken by my step brother entering my room at 2:25 AM, ripping off my covers, recording with his video camera, assaulting me, and playing the theme from Alfred Hitchcock's film, "Psycho" played at an unacceptably loud volume for 2 am. I am almost completely sure that he is not under the influence of anything except for Mountain Dew Live Wire and being hit hard enough by the stupid stick until blood was dripping out his ears. This is coming from the same brother who urged that I "go to bed" around half past midnight in order to "have energy so you can go sailing " today, and to whom I have done nothing to provoke as of late. Is this normal behaivor?

06-28-2003, 04:16 AM
I know its something extreme that I could surely expect out of my own brother, as he's very much into doing things that annoy the fuck out of me.

Step-siblings though, I kind of figure there should be some kind of wall between children of different families who have come together. At least I would dearly hope. Having a new set of siblings that I don't know very well would just suck, and be completely nightmarish if they pulled this kind of shit.

06-28-2003, 06:19 AM
Sounds like a good old-fashioned practical joke. I'd plot one for my sister right now if she didn't live in a different state. :kawaii:

06-28-2003, 08:09 AM
Haven’t you ever seen Jackass??? Its quite normal, I wish I had sombody around the house to do that to me!

06-28-2003, 08:51 AM
How long has he been your step-brother, and how old is he?
Actually it sounds normal enough for regular brothers.
Some of the things my brother and I pulled on each other were quite bizarre at times.
Like shaving cream in his suit jacket that he was wearing on a date. Nude pics in his school folder that he had to turn in.
You know NoRmaLL sTufF.

06-30-2003, 01:00 AM
UPDATE: I have since seen the movie (three times, and twice in slow motion), and spoken with him. It was three (3) days of planning in the making, they were wearing masks, and the video tape isn't that great. The strobe light interfered with the night vision, so they only got about 10 seconds (at most) of good footage. And yes, I have seen Jackass, and I suspect that's where he got the idea, the shithead.

He's 17, and has been my stepbrother for about 5 years.

06-30-2003, 08:03 AM
Jesus Man, Go beat your brother! I wouldnt take that shit from my brother! Well if he's bigger and stronger than never mind!:) Well that behavior you just described isn't very much of any good behavior but i guess that's what he's into! (Waking you up in the morning and wacking you with a fucking 2 by 4!)

06-30-2003, 12:24 PM
Umm, begging your pardon, but how could anyone on Jackass be considered even remotely normal? I've seen a bit of it, and those guys are absolute morons. God help us if that's normal..

06-30-2003, 01:45 PM
You need to punch him in his fucking face. I would have *shrug*

06-30-2003, 06:38 PM
well the only thing my brother did like that was he ran at me like bam at his dad and just started hitting me as hard as he could as fast as he could, i thought he was joking so i started laughing but then he didnt stop so i pushed him on the ground, 2 minutes later he did it again so i hit him in the head, and knocked im down, guess who got in trouble... how is that fair?

06-30-2003, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by ICHBINDASWALROSS

He's 17, and has been my stepbrother for about 5 years.

5 years eh? I guess its time to let loose with a good ol' fraternal beat down. I miss being able to do that to my shithead brother.

Jawa Podracer
06-30-2003, 07:45 PM
That doesn't seem normal. First, beat the crap out of him. Then, when he's sleeping, but something scary/creepy(Marylyn Manson poster, for instance), over his bed on the ceiling(If you can do that, I don't know depending on how he sleeps). Or, put a bolt lock on the outside part of his door(if you're in different rooms, I suppose you are), but that'll be expensive. Here's some good(but costly, or even bad) ideas:

-Put live mice in his bed.

06-30-2003, 10:22 PM
Sorry, but that makes me laugh a lot! :D I'm sure I would hate it if it was done to me... but it's one of those things you laugh at other people about until it happens to you. Heh.

For revenge, jump on his bed while he is sleeping and stand over him holding a big stick. Shake it over your head and yell "Eee-hee-hee-hee-hee!" like the "Sand Monsters" from Star Wars: A new hope. I hope you know what creatures I am talking about, because otherwise this sounds really stupid. If you know what I am talking about, do it! It would be hilarious!

Jump up and down too and shake the mattress! Gwahaha!

06-30-2003, 10:34 PM
Well, if you really wanna get back at him, try cutting his hair whiles he's asleep (unles he has very shrot hair) Or, you could put itching powder in his shampoo, that or hair dye. Though, those are a bit cruel, they are very effective. If you really want payback, you need to think up a huge parnk, something that tops the bar, and says "we're even" (Like shaving his eyebrows)

07-02-2003, 10:03 AM
I met a mad bro when he got his brows shaved off and he was pissed!:angry: