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View Full Version : is it possible to hav ppl outside of buildings?

06-27-2003, 01:16 PM
if you make a town or something, i was wondering if it was possible to have the ppl outside there house instead of inside. and if thats possible, plz tell me how!

06-27-2003, 01:37 PM
Yes, technically you can have people outside the building, but they would have to be animated combos layered over your map. Basically, they're animated tiles with the images of people, but you can't talk to them.

I wouldn't worry about the complicated stuff until you've finished creating your first quest. I was too absorbed in all that, stopped for a second to look up, and realized that I'd never learn the basics.

06-27-2003, 04:55 PM

Alphadog's and IDK's tutorials will give you a good start, just study study study them and begin by making a "test" quest.

I did a complete quest that I never realesed before I ever did the first one I released several months ago, just to see how everything worked.

It takes a good while to learn the program, and the best way is to get in there and read the tutorials and practice.

here's an example of a person outside a building, and talking to you as well.
the people (fishermen) are on layer 2, the trip combo that triggers the warp to the screen is on layer 1 hidden by a piece of grass placed on layer 2.
the trip/warp takes you to an identical screen (on another map with another dmap to control it) where the words (string) is added, and the box surrounding the letters is on layer 3.


06-27-2003, 05:08 PM
oh, i see.

EDIT:but my question is how to get a person outside in the first place. ive set up the trip/warp thing, but i cant get the person to b there...

06-28-2003, 01:10 AM
First u need 2 go to Layers, then go set on column 2 map # and the screen. Remember the map # and screen # has 2 b the same screen # as the original 1 u want to put the people on. O just look a idontknow's tutorial, but use it for column 2. Get me?

06-28-2003, 09:08 AM
yep. thanks crazy_link!

06-28-2003, 12:43 PM
U r welcome.