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View Full Version : How do you make your own tilesets?

06-27-2003, 01:07 PM
how do you make your own tilesets? also, i hav another question. how do you get the new tileset that you made(or downloaded) to appear in the quest editor?
thanks! :newbie:

06-27-2003, 01:42 PM
To make your own tileset, in ZQuest go to Quest > Graphics > Tiles and edit the tiles to your heart's desire.

To create a quest with a custom tileset, you can either take a quest that already has the tileset and delete all the maps, or if you have the graphics pack (*.zgp) you can go to File > Import > Graphics Pack.

To get a graphics pack, open a quest with the tileset you want. Go to File > Export > Graphics Pack and save the graphics file (.zgp). Then follow the instructions above; create a new quest, go to File > Import > Graphics Pack.

Make sure you choose your tileset before you start making your quest, becuase it is nearly impossible to change the tileset you're using in the middle of creating a quest.

06-27-2003, 05:10 PM
ok. thanks!