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View Full Version : 2 Years of my Life...here

06-26-2003, 10:02 PM
As the title clearly suggests, it has taken only two years for me to have lost my soul to this place. Despite rising to power, falling, leaving twice, starting a project, and finally closing it, I find it hard to believe that I'm still posting here. I should've known better than to take a laptop for free from SB on a shady street corner with a slightly familiar homepage...

I can't say that times have always been good, but the least I can say is that I've had a lot of fun on the boards through the switch to vB. Members past and present have made it totally worth the while, especially Rijuhn, Platinum, Alexmax, Queenie, SB, A-max, TSA, and more. Many may not be remembered by me or by current members, but it's been worth it. I've definitely missed some, but twas good. It's been a good run for the son of Gambit, and I'm happy to have spent so much time here. Either way, I hope that this much fun continues ;)

Goodnight everyone...

That deaf, dumb, blind kid, sure had a good good time

06-26-2003, 10:46 PM
Wow, OMG, someone actually has reconized me in a thread. I feel honored or something. Happy 2nd Anniversary on AGN! I got my birthday coming up in 3 days, so I hope you can post in the thread. Now let me compliment you.

You're one of those level-headed members who I can alway count on to set the record straight, or give the most unbiased answer in a thead. I could say the same thing for you because you've made AGN just a little bit better, as I guess I have made it better for some aswell.