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View Full Version : Forum Split?

06-26-2003, 01:49 AM
I had this wacky idea this morning and the more I think about it, the better it sounds to me. Maybe if everybody else put some input in, the whole AGN ZC community would be better off.

I noticed that there are 2 types of ZQ editor help questions. The first are the simple ones - how do i set undercombos, draw, move link on the screen, set up dmaps, etc. The second types are the advanced ones - how do treasure chests work, how do I get combo cycling to enable me to move a bookshelf, how can I implement the whatever, etc...

Would it be more efficient to have a forum split, and have Beginner ZQ Editor Help and Advanced ZQ Editor Help?

I'm not posting a poll on this because I want some topic discussion. My strongest argument is that if there were certain people in charge of helping simple problems, and dedicated people who could work together on pushing ZQ to the limits, we would all come out a lot better.

of course, mods could still dictate which sub-forum questions would go in.

What do you think?

06-26-2003, 02:09 AM
This is a great idea. It would make it ten times easier to scroll through past threads and learn something new, or find out if your question has already been asked.

06-26-2003, 02:59 AM
Actually, I think this would probably just serve to confuse people. Where would the line be drawn between 'beginner' and 'expert' questions? Such fuzziness would just lead to extra work for us mods. Besides, the forum traffic here is light enough that this really isn't necesary.

What would be more useful is if everyone would state explicitly what their problem is about in the subject field. Then those who want to help out could easily spot topics they are knoledgeable in.

06-26-2003, 09:16 AM
You've a got a point Cloral with the subject field. "HELP I HAVE A QUESTION" aren't very clear thread names. Perhaps have a pinned thread that details the best ways to post a question and get it answered? I.E. Including your problem in the thread title and asking your question clearly using correct grammar.

06-26-2003, 01:23 PM
I believe you can find a clear cut difference between said beginner and expert threads. for example, look up to Think Tank - Starkist doesn't have that much of a problem deciding between what goes in RD instead of plain TT, and personally i haven't noticed many of the posters putting them in the wrong one either.

So where should the line be? It's really up to you.
Like you said - it would be harder for the mods. That is true, but there are 4 ZC mods now, how much work do you really think it would be?

It would also serve as a gauge for people responding to help out the posts. If beginners don't understand what the person is talking about, they seem to be posting something like "oh.. good question." and not really an answer. In 2 forums, it could cut down on the spamming.

and if Beginner is too rough of a name, let there be "General ZQ help" and a "Expert ZQ help" subforum.

-EDIT- as far as a frozen topic at the top, how many n00bs ask where the Zquest tutorial is? come on.