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06-24-2003, 11:39 AM
i got out my old nintendo and decided to play LoZ 1. i notice some weird things that seem to happen for no apparent reason.

1) why does all of the boomerangs change blue when you get the magic boomerang? they all still go a short distance like the wooden ones.

2) your raft string changes the same color as link when you get a new ring.

3) link looks like some albino freak in level 3. is that just from the color of the dungeon?

06-24-2003, 11:43 AM
Those are glitches and limitations of the NES. I thought they were programmed into ZC to make it like the original?

Basically, I think it has to do with palettes. When you change rings, the "Link" palette changes, so everything else that used it changes as well. Same with the boomerang. The NES saves memory that way. If I'm not mistaken, the Level 3 palette fix is an option in ZC.

06-24-2003, 11:59 AM
As you all know, I have been playing Zelda (see Zelda 1 Help thread) and I've encountered the same things.

Dungeon 3, Link went all screwy colored as well.

Boomerangs do the same thing.

Raft thing the same.

You are not alone. I think NES just sucks.

06-24-2003, 12:16 PM
1. Boomerangs all change color because all boomerangs in the game use the same palatte.

2. The raft is set to use the same palatte Link does. If part of Link's palatte changes, the corresponding part of the other objects that use that palatte will change, too.

3. That is normal. I THINK it was done intentionally, to make it easier to see Link on the green background, but I'm not positive about that.

06-24-2003, 02:08 PM
The level 3 thing is mentioned in Zelda Classic under the "Level 3 Pallette fix" rule.

But yeah, ZC has reproduced almost everything in the original, with many options to change that. I think the only thing is hasn't reproduced is the bug where you can walk into Level 1, walk out then back in and have the key door gone in the first room.

06-24-2003, 03:36 PM
NES does suck. No system had that large of a palette.

Yes, as stated before, Raft and Boomrangs change to match Link's current palette, enemys are not the priorety.

So ya, it's basically just because they didn't have a big enough palette to not have these little things, but it's not a big deal.

Also, I would be the level 3 thing really was something to make link easier to see. You know, all the people with bad eyes just seeing some brown walk around is spooky or something.