View Full Version : More AGN Con03 pics

06-23-2003, 04:57 PM
Who was there.
AlexMax (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/alexmax.jpg)
Amber (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/amber.jpg)
Ann(AlexMaxs mom) (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/ann_alexmaxs_mom.jpg)
balzac (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/balzac_closeup.jpg)
cyberkitten (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/ck.jpg)
DragonFang (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/dragonfang.jpg)
Foxy (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/foxy.jpg)
Ganonator (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/ganonator.jpg)
Gerudo (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/gerudo.jpg)
Goat (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/goatboy.jpg)
Ibis, God of Magicks (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/ibis.jpg)
Jemsee (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/jemsee.jpg)
J.J.Maxx (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/jjmax.jpg)
Kryten (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/kryten.jpg)
mattwdr (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/mattwdr.jpg)
moocow (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/moocow.jpg)
~Cydlet~ (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/cyd.jpg)
Shadowblazer (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/shadowblazer.jpg)
Zaphod Q. IX (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/zaphod.jpg)
Zorch (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/idcon03pics/zorch.jpg)

What we did.
We did a great many things.
Some have been mentioned in other posts, I will talk about the 2 brainstorms :eyebrow: I had.

On Saturday morning we held the ZC carnival.
I think everybody that participated enjoyed it.
http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/con03act/zcc1-3tn.jpg (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/con03act/zcc1-3.jpg)
(Click image for larger view)
One and two were targets of Gannon to shoot at with a bow and arrow then with a slingshot.
Three was a sword in which you were blindfolded then must turn around and try to stop as close to the start as possible.
Four was hit the keese with a boomerang, (it was hard but not impossible).

http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/con03act/zcc5-7tn.jpg (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/con03act/zcc5-7.jpg)
Five was dig for rupees.
Six was bombs.
Seven was the hook shot. (Ring toss).

http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/con03act/zcc9-10tn.jpg (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/con03act/zcc9-10.jpg)
Eight was to kill the turtles with the hammer.
Nine was the mirror shield, with this you had to look into the hole and read the mirror image of a message.
Ten was the candle where you had 10 seconds to study the objects in a box and then write all you can remember on a paper.

The scoring went as follows:
mattwdr - 18
Amber - 19
AlexMax - 25
Gerudo - 27
Goat - 31
Kryten - 32
J.J. Maxx - 35
Zaphod - 35
Shadowblazer - 38
Ganonator - 43
Zorch - 44
Ibis - 46
DragonFang - 46

As you can see the score was tied and amongst themselves Ibis and DF did paper-rock-scissors.
I think DF did scissors to Ibis paper thus making him winner.
The prizes were the special ed. of Ocarina of Time/Master quest for the three top scores. Then 2nd place received a 10$ Wal-Mart gift certificate, 1st got a 20$ gift certificate + a copy of the Animatrix on video cassette.

The AGN Karaoke contest had six contestants.
First Ibis preformed "Baby Got Back" (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/con03act/ibissing.jpg) by Sir Mix-A-Lot.

Next came AlexMax doing "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/con03act/alexsing.jpg) by the Beatles

Then Kryten did a rendition of "You Should be Dancing" (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/con03act/krytensing1.jpg) by the Bee Gees.

Followed by Goat with his version of "Baby One More Time" (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/con03act/goatsing.jpg) by Britney Spears

Not to be left out, J.J. Max entertained us with "Livin' La Lida Loca" (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/con03act/jjsing.jpg) by Ricky Martin

Then Ganonator closed the session with the 'N Sync song "It's Gonna Be Me". (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/con03act/ganonatorsing.jpg)

There were two winners for this contest which were Goat and Ganonator. Witch, like the first one was a tie between them.
The end results were this, voting was done by the listening audience on a scale of one to ten.
AlexMax = 81
Kryten = 90
Ibis = 92
JJ = 107
Ganonator and Goat both had 109.
So, a vary close race indeed.
It was determined that Ganonator won and he received a gift certificate to Wal-Mart of 20$ and a copy of the Animatrix on video cassette, Goat got a 10$ gift certificate.

Videos were made of the antics and we hope to get them available for viewing ASAP.
Here are five videos of the AGN 2003 Convention.
Video 1 The First Day and Night (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/movies/agnmovie1a.avi)
Video 2 The Games We Play (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/movies/agnmovie2a.avi)
Video 3 Food and Fun (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/movies/agnmovie3a.avi)
Video 4 AGN Karaoke (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/movies/agnmovie4a.avi) (The biggest of the bunch.)
Video 5 A Look at Indian Lakes (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/movies/agnmovie5a.avi)
?? Videos may not work in XP ?? -- If you have XP DL Div X Player (http://www.divx.com/divx/)

Personally I would like to thank everyone for supporting the two events. One never knows just how things will work.
The weather was on our side too, we had perfect conditions.
All in all it was just a great weekend. :)

06-23-2003, 05:04 PM
Great post, Jemsee! Thanks for putting a name with a face for everyone who didn't go to the convention.

Thanks for all you did!! It certainly was a FUN weekend! :D

Ibis, God of Magicks
06-23-2003, 05:11 PM
It's gonna be ME!

Who has the picture of me and ganonator groping each other during his performance?

06-23-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Ibis, God of Magicks
It's gonna be ME!

Who has the picture of me and ganonator groping each other during his performance?

No camera pic. but it did get recorded on video.
You make a good couple, ;)

06-23-2003, 05:23 PM
It would have to be a picture of me making shish kabobs wouldn't it? and not even a good one at that. The girl you can't remember is Cyd.

06-23-2003, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Amber
It would have to be a picture of me making shish kabobs wouldn't it? and not even a good one at that. The girl you can't remember is Cyd.

Yes, I am not a pro with a camera it seems.
I took near 100 pics and when reviewing them scrambled for at least one shot of everyone.
Gerudo is a master, his pics are awsome if they are still up.

06-23-2003, 05:43 PM
Oh well, if you want a good picture of my face ask Ibis. He got me a dozen times with his camera (just to annoy me) one of them has to come out right.

06-23-2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Jemsee
Gerudo is a master, his pics are awsome if they are still up. thanks, i guess... without the mini-vids i took, i coulda had probly around 170 or so, but 140 is enough :)

and yes, mine are still up

edit: man, we had hawt grrls galore, in Amber, CK, Cyd, Foxy, and Moo! and technically Ganonator :laughing:

edit2: jemsee, i like how you got the text on my shirt, lol

06-24-2003, 12:14 AM
wow.. i look like a freak in my first shot here, and look like i got my face stuck in some serious poison ivy in the singing won.. lmao. glad i REALLY don't look like that.