View Full Version : How do you make a deathmatch/multiplayer game?

06-21-2003, 05:01 PM
I've been wondering... how do you make a deathmatch/multiplayer game? Thanks a bundle.

06-21-2003, 06:45 PM
What exactly do you mean? If you mean something like Four Swords I don't think it's possible.

06-21-2003, 08:16 PM
you can't; physically impossible for right now--here's sometime ideas for making what i call "competitive quests":
1. make a quest w/ only one dungeon & set the "show time on subscrn" rule checked & then see which person can beat ur quest first
2. like number 1, except compete to see who can beat the quest dying as few times as possible
3. um...thats about it; haha...sorry..no, you can not have a quest where two ppl play simultaneously! :(

06-21-2003, 08:40 PM
Any multiplayer version of ZC would be a separate project. ZC is designed to be 1P only.

06-21-2003, 10:15 PM
I see. Jigglysaint posted something about it I think.

06-23-2003, 11:19 AM
yes, a multiplayer zc creator would b a seperate project; here's some ideas:
1. give the program the name "Zelda Battle" or something--this would b the 'player' used to play multiplayer games
2. have the main menu include the following options:
-Start Game
3. when you click start game, you go to a screen where there are five different characters & for each, you select whether you want it to be controlled by a player on that computer (P1-P5), a computer player, or an online opponent.
4. then you select what arena you use similar to the way you select a quest. you can use some sort of default arena/stage, or select a custom one by selecting the file.
5. custom 'arenas' or 'stages' or 'levels' or whatever in which to play ur levels on can be created/edited in a program simply called "Zelda Arena Editor"
6. here, you only create one screen, and can include some of the minor enemies as distractions for the players & can actually interact with the game so that they can b killed by the players & can also hurt the players--here some of the enemies to include: octoroks, darknuts, zols, gels, keese, zoras, and stalfos
7. when editing the screen, you could choose from a list of combos, all thou not nearly as many as in zquest--the combo types would include: -pound -damage -water -trigger perm
8. when a player steps on the trigger perm, all secret flags will activate just like in zquest, except all secrets revert back to their original state after 10 seconds
9. an items menu where you can select & place up to 10 items in the room--after being collected, an item will reappear 30 seconds later & can be collected again (perhaps an alternate rule to make it so that items can in fact only be collected once)
10. a menu that allows u to select a special occurence in the game that occurs after so many seconds & continues until the game ends; examples:
-meteor shower: giant hot rocks fall from the sky instantly killing players they hit
-rising water: water rises until it drowns all players
-ganon: ganon suddenly appears & shoots fireballs, harming players drastically
-wind: wind suddenlly appears blowing players in a certain direction, possibly blowing players offstage
-angry enemies: all enemies transform into a harder version of its kind--for example, all octoroks change into a croctorok, all stalfos, change into stalfos 3s, all darknuts change into death knights

--basically, the game would b similar to a mix btwn bomberman & zelda, as wierd as it may sound it might b kinda cool--each player could get zelda-like weapons that allow them to reach certain parts of the screen--one drawback mayb however that perhaps each player only has one special item at a time, whatever he/she picked up last and the life of each may be displayed as a numerical counter, instead of heart meter cuz having 5 of them might take up lots of space

06-23-2003, 07:12 PM
ummm...i dont know about it being a separate project....its in the future plans that DN made (look int he suggestions forum at the top)

06-25-2003, 01:33 PM
I think geeps meant that it wouldn't be added to the current ZC program, but be another program altogether.