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Dark Templar
06-18-2003, 01:56 AM
Just thought I'd stop in and say whats up.

I've been dating this new chic and she's pissin me off cause she is playin hard to get.. :rolleyes: I like her alot and I think things are gonna turn out good though, she is real shy I think thats why she's acting weird. And I got a new job makin $12/hr. then I got laid off, now I'm lookin agan.. lol Man it's been something lately. Well ttyl peeps, goin to bed.


06-18-2003, 01:59 AM
Playing hard to get huh?:laughing: Well, it seems you're having a better life now. Keep it that way.

Dark Templar
06-18-2003, 01:43 PM
Like my ex girl, this girl kinda looks like the chic in my sig as well..

Sorry about the quality.. at least it looks crappy on my screen..


06-18-2003, 05:28 PM
So, other than being shy, how is she kinda pissing you off? Just askin'... But, the good thing is that you're not all depressed like you were when you got dumped before... Stay happy now, ya' hear?! :whap:

I've been single for 6.5 months now... Wow, that feel like a long time... I'm gonna go look for some chicks now... :sweat:

06-18-2003, 05:55 PM
It's okay, DT. If things don't work out, you always have me :D

Dark Templar
06-18-2003, 07:29 PM
Thanks moo, very generous of you. ;)

Well she is kinda pissing me off, because she works alot and seems has time for her friends close by.. But I don't get to see her much, it's been a week today that I was over her house for dinner. She lives about 20 minutes away in a neiboring city of mine. And we've been dating now for about 3 weeks, known her for about 2 months.. I want to get to know her like right now, and she's just taking it way to slow for me.. lol I guess im anxious.. but I mean come on who wouldnt be look at her! I want to take things slow just as much as she does and get to know her by being friends first and dating.. but come on you gotta see the person to do that a little more then what she is doing. We have a lot in common it seems about alot, she has even went through a severe break-up around the same time I did. We have alot in the same interest, and we've both said to one another that we fit each other's taste as in looks.. most deff! :drool:

I was thinkin about her alot one day last week so I decided to send some flowers to her work and surprise her and let her know I was thinking about her. Well she liked the flowers and all, but the same night when I talked to her she kinda reminded me she wanted to take things slow. And I was like yea sure, I do too! So I think the flowers scared her a bit.. like I was coming onto strong. But come on most girls dig that shit right.. I mean I was just being honest about my feelings, I simply stated on the card "Thinking of you."

I was asking her friend and neibor about if I should be the one to ask her to hang out again. And she said yea probably.. she said she is real shy when it comes to guys. But the thing is I don't want to scare her by asking her all the time you know.. I don't know what to do, she's leaving to go to Wyoming and Utah on the 25th and she's not coming back until July 8th. So I kinda wanted to do something before she leaves you know.. and try to do something sweet but then not scary to keep me on her mind on her trip. But if flowers scare her, I'm not sure what wouldn't scare her that would be sweet as well..

Any help/advice appreciated. ;)

06-18-2003, 11:17 PM
Oooh... she's one of those girls who get freaked out about everything. I'm not really sure what to tell ya, hon. Just take it as slow as possible, go with the flow. It's really hard to tell what you are or aren't doing wrong when it comes to some girls. So, one day if you get the chance, tell her you like to give gifts and if it makes her uncomfortable then to let you know, and if it doesn't then ask her what she'd like to recieve... chocolate, a card, whatever.

Personally, I love getting flowers. I used to get them all the time from my ex... even when we weren't together.... I miss that.

06-19-2003, 12:48 AM
I wouldn't be too worried about it. Go just as slow as she wants, and she'll never complain to you about you not doing so.