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06-17-2003, 08:33 PM
...I come home to this.


I had dropped off my car at the shop yesterday to get it serviced for this weekend.
My wife and youngest son were going to the movies (Finding Nemo) and dropped me off to get the car on the way.
I also grabbed my camera to get a memchip to be able to take more pictures.
So on the way home I see this storm cloud (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/storm/storm1.JPG) and stop to take a picture and I think to myself that "I hope we get a little rain because the garden could use a drink".

Come down the road to see the above picture.
It was only a 10 - 15 minuet storm that just blew through.

More pics here, (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/storm/tree2.JPG) here, (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/storm/tree3.JPG) here, (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/storm/tree4.JPG) and here. (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/storm/tree5.JPG)

The back porch took some damage too, I'll have to call Insurance agent tomorrow. (I may just make some money if I take care of the tree myself).

Backporch1 (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/storm/backporch1.JPG) Backporch2 (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/storm/backporch2.JPG)
Backporch3 (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/storm/backporch3.JPG)

I will have to at least get the chain saw going and clear a path for the drive tonight.
But with a hurt hand I don't know how or when I am going to clean all this up.

What a day...:rolleyes:

Edit: Forgot the Pic of the trampoline. (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/storm/trampoline.JPG)

And this storm came from the South, now one just as bad is right on top of me coming from the North.
Jees, give me a break!
Local radar as I wright: (I'm close to the city of spencer)

Jawa Podracer
06-17-2003, 08:48 PM
Pic 2(storm1): Is that a tornado, or am I hallucinating?
Pic 5(tree3): At least the tree missed the flowers. : )

First your hand, and now this. I feel sorry for you. :( If I lived anywhere near you(I live in NJ), I'd come and help. Anyway, you live in a nice area. That's where I want to live when I grow up, instead of a crowded surburban.

06-17-2003, 09:36 PM
Ouch. That sucks. We just got a little rain here. And what's with the big hole in your porch? Is it a pool?

06-17-2003, 10:27 PM
Gee... I guess when it rains, it pours, eh?

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Sounds like a bad day. Just one week after I moved into this house, we had a tornado blow through. Fortunately, nothing was damaged here other than some trees that now have a funny slant to them, and perhaps a minor leak in the roof above the upstairs bathroom.

06-17-2003, 10:34 PM
Well, look on the bright side, things will always get better after they get a lot worse.

BTW, you live in a beautiful neighborhood/flatland

06-17-2003, 10:54 PM
Boy, things just haven't been going well for you lately, have they? Well, all luck has to turn around eventually, even bad luck.

06-18-2003, 12:29 AM
Sorry to hear that, jemsee. I remember a few years ago when we had a nasty storm. It blew a tree much bigger than yours straight through our back yard. It still hasn't fully regrown yet ;)

06-18-2003, 02:02 AM
Good luck to you on fixing up your house. Here on Guam we get typhoons every few years. Last year 2 supertyphoons (150+mph, max 200+) showed up. Our neighbor's roof landed in our garage. Other than that, it was 8-10 hours inside for each typhoon, waiting for the storm to pass.