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06-17-2003, 10:18 AM
...and it can ruin your whole day.
Got up early this morning as I have been doing for the past few days to work on some of the convention things.
But first I went out to the garden to check on a few things and saw the tomatoes were busting out of the tops of the milk jugs I cover then with when I first plant them.
When they get to this point I use a utility knife to cut off the tops.
It was a brand new knife, just got it yesterday, it slipped and cut my hand just behind the thumb.
Deep and long and I knew it needed stitches.
Wrapped my hand in a rag and drove myself to the emergency room 10 miles away.
Got 12 stitches and a tetanus shot. (What fun).
While the doc (who was vary nice) did his work it occurred to me that I would not be able to go swimming this weekend at the convention. Funny what you think of at times like these.

For those who would like to take a peek at my injury click here. (http://www.evertek.net/gchalland/tempic/hand.JPG)

It is not that bad looking just a bunch of stitches.
Surprisingly it does not hurt much. Although I have had other wounds that don't hurt right away, but start to throb later, so we'll see I guess.

06-17-2003, 12:01 PM
That's horrible!! I couldn't swim last year, so I know how much that can suck.

Buuuut...it could have been worse, so thankfully you got away with just a few stitches and your hand still in tact. ;)

06-17-2003, 12:14 PM
Gary... you... are one brave, brave man. I salute you.


May it heal quickly.

06-17-2003, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Foxy
Buuuut...it could have been worse, so thankfully you got away with just a few stitches and your hand still in tact. ;)

This is vary true.
I cut as far down as the tendon, you could even see it.
But thankfully it was not damaged.

In a shop I used to work at I saw a guy get his wrist cut vary deep.
It severed an artery and some of the tendons to the fingers.
He told me later that they had to reach up under the skin and pull the tendons back down to sew them, and then sew up the artery and arm.
This is just a minor wound and inconvenience.
10 days and the stitches come out, it's just that the timing is bad.
Of course I can't think of a time I would want to be injured.

06-17-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Jemsee
Of course I can't think of a time I would want to be injured.

*LOL* So true!!

Well look at it this way...at least this injury won't keep you from doing the karaoke this weekend!



06-17-2003, 01:30 PM

I hate being cut with knives, yah know? I was once given a REALLY tiny 3 inch pocket knife... Only three inches, and with my big hands (about 9 inches from the bottom of my plam to my finger tips) I could really handle a knife that small, so, I cut myself, right between the thumb and index finger on my right hand... So, I got a new knife... A twelve inch combat knife, it's much more handy, and I never had any problems with it...

Then there's my dad's type of injuries... Sometime before I was even born, my dad was working on a snowplow... It was one that gathered snow inside it, and had a sharp spiral blade in it that blew snow out... Anyway, he was working on it, and the blade just started to move, and it sliced through his left hand, from between his middle and ring finger, and cut down to near his wrist, leaving half of his hand dangling from his arm... Now, remember, I said "snowplow" so you gotta think this is like REALLY cold weather... Poor guy couldn't really move his fleft hand much, but thankfully, he was able to put his left hand out the driver's seat window and flip his middle finger up at the bad driver's on the road... He was worried that he wouldn't be able to do that anymore :D

06-17-2003, 02:58 PM
I'm glad you still have all 5 fingers, Jemsee.

Stitches are icky, though. I remember when I got mine removed... I passed out. LOL

06-17-2003, 03:03 PM
I cut my finger with a knife a while ago, I didn't get stitches or anything, but I haven't moved this finger in like a month. I also have only been typing with 9 finger lately because I STILL have my bandaide on. :(

06-17-2003, 03:14 PM

Reminds me of the time I got stitches from a dog bite...it wasn't fun.

06-17-2003, 05:50 PM
Ouchies. Make sure that when it comes time to have them removed, the doctor gets them all out... :kawaii: I had eight stitches in my chin once (football), and when the doctor removed them, he only got seven. I found the eighth a week later as a hair that just wouldn't cut while I was shaving... so I tugged on it and it came out. It didn't hurt or anything, but it was strange.

06-17-2003, 08:17 PM
I feel sorry for your hand. I've been there a few times.

Jawa Podracer
06-17-2003, 08:33 PM
Ouch, hope it gets better. I'm glad I never really cut myself that much I had to get stitches. Though, my mom's friend cut her finger off while cutting her daughter's birthday cake. That really sucked. :(

06-17-2003, 09:45 PM
Owie. Stitches aren't too fun. I've had them before on my foot. seven I think. I hope you heal like I do. Really, really fast.

I have a whole bunch of scars on me. 6 in all. 3 on my right hand, 1 on my right leg, 1 on my left foot (stitches) and 1 on my right shoulder. It's amazing how someone who sits inside the house and plays video games all day can get so many scars.

06-17-2003, 10:23 PM
Oh, man. Can't you just put your hand in a bag or something? They also make those waterproof bandages.

06-18-2003, 12:20 AM
i'm really sorry jemsee...hope it heals quickly!

I have had stitches twice in my fourteen years; one when i was like 2 and the other in fourth grade. Don't remember the first one, but the latter had 18 stitches, not to mention it got infected shortly after i got them in :(

it was *NOT* fun!!!!!!!

Hope the convention goes well for you, despite your wound. Be glad you are going! I wish i could :(
