View Full Version : Gamecube Demo Disc - Impressions inside

06-16-2003, 10:44 PM
Well, since my brother works at Circuit City, he had the oppurtunity to get the Gamecube demo disc for free, rather than for the $10 some vendors are selling it for. Anyways, here are my impressions for three of the seven games provided. Once I get to the others, I'll add my impressions of those here.

Sonic Adventure DX - As some of you know, I am AGN's #1 Sonic fan (anyone who claims otherwise will have to answer to me :p ). So I was exited when I heard about this game, seeing as I never had a dreamcast to toy with :( . This demo provides a single level for each of the six playable characters. So what do I think? It's a mixed bag. I thoroughly enjoyed Sonic's stage, but then again, who doesn't? The other character levels were okay, except for Big the Cat's stage, which was a tedious exercise of patience. Also, there are still the camera issues that plagued SA2 and this game, and the game seemed to actually slow down for me at times O_O . I really hope these technical issues were fixed in the final release like I was informed they were. Overall, I'm going to buy this of course, but the demo really wasn't that spectacular.

Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg - Score one for Sonic Team for coming out with an original game for once... and I like it. The premise is VERy awkward: you're a boy dressed as a chicken who defeats bad guys by rolling giant eggs around, hatching them, and then using the hatched animals powers to get through obstacles. Not much to say ecept that I enjoyed playing through this demo, and that if the gameplay is expanded beyond what was given to us, I'm sure this will be a winner.

Viewtiful Joe: I have five words for all of you: YOU MUST PLAY THIS GAME!!!!!! Someone at Capcom had a stroke o genius, because this is the most fun I've had from a new game in a very long time. I'm not going to expand further, I want you to experience the greatness of this game yourself. This game is now somewhere in the top ten of my 'must play' list. And this was a demo for crying out loud!

Splinter Cell: Impressions coming soon

Soul Caliber II: Impressions coming soon, though I'm told Link is not playable in this demo :cry:

Wario Ware (GBA download): Need a GBA->Gamecube cable

Dr. Mario(GBA download): ditto

Overall: Once I play everything, I'll let you know. Pretty good thus far though.

06-17-2003, 12:19 AM
How can you be the #1 Sonic fan without owning a Dreamcast? :O

Btw, I for one, was amazed by the Dreamcast Demo Disc, which only had 1 playable level as Sonic way back when. So you shouldn't complain about having more. :O

Sonic Adventure the first one, is good, however anyone that has played it will admit it has little replay value.

Also, I'm sure any slow down you experienced really was just a technical issue, because the Dreamcast never slowed down, although, sometimes Sonic went so fast than he could break through a wall, which was kind of a drag. It was rare though, and I forget if that was SA1 or SA2.

Anyway, the game is worth getting, although, If I were you, I'd wait till it's down to 30$ or 20$s.

Also, Soul Calibur 2, if you are wanting to play that solely because of Link you are playing it for totally the wrong reasons... Anyone that has played the arcade version of SC2 knows that the extra console characters only on certain systems are just to boost sales, which if you are looking at it cause of Link, then I'd say it worked.

Soul Calibur 2 is very much like the first SC, however the graphics are much smoother (like the DreamCast featured). There are new combos and such, new characters, and most important, it's a solid and very much fun fighting game. :O

Infact I liked SC2 so much in the arcade, my GameCube import will arrive on Wensday! =D

I am curious though as to what the SC2 demo DOES include. So when you get around to it please post what is there.

And in general if you have any GC games you'd recommend checking out.

06-17-2003, 12:28 AM
the playable characters are nightmare and the greek girl with a shield.
you can only play arcade mode.

Don't know how far the arcade mode goes cause I get my ass handed to me(was only good with mitsurugi(sp?) in first game) and havent gone past 3rd fight by then I exit and load up viewtiful joe.

viewtiful joe is the best game capcom is gonna release any time soon.

06-17-2003, 02:38 AM
Sophitia and Nightmare, bah. Sounds like the demo blows.

Edit: Ah, I found this about the demo.

You get to choose between two characters (Nightmare and Cassandra) and you fight through three stages (Raphael, Astaroth, and someone else, I forget).

So ya, the demo definitly sucks. Get the full game in august. :O Or if you really want it now, import it like me!

06-17-2003, 03:11 AM
Ha, if you think $10 is bad, our Best Buy over here has a shelf price of fucking $49 on it! I saw that and almost died laughing.. dumbasses! I checked Toys R' Us too (right next door), they had the things out, but no price. So I didn't feel like asking if it was for sale or not, as I'm sure I would just get a "No, you need to buy a GC" BS crap. Bah..

Anyways, I was wondering if SC2 was on there. The front made it look like it only had four games (the first four you mentioned). But then I had heard SC2 was on there (but I thought perhaps I misunderstood and it was only a movie, not a demo).

I dunno if I want to buy that tho (at least for $10). I mean, the only games I would want it for are SC2 and Viewtiful Joe. The rest are just kind of .. eh.. I mean, I played SA1 demo when it was back on the DC and I wasn't all that impressed with the game (I have never been a huge Sonic fan.. I never liked the fact that you run though those levels so fast you never have time to explore --- although I will admit I rented SA2 and that was pretty fun.. less "super speed running through the whole level" than most Sonics). And of course, Splinter Cell I couldn't give a crap about. I have never been that interested in any of those Tom Clancy games.. everyone makes such a big deal over them.. they don't even look that interesting..

06-17-2003, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by Warlock
And of course, Splinter Cell I couldn't give a crap about. I have never been that interested in any of those Tom Clancy games.. everyone makes such a big deal over them.. they don't even look that interesting..
Another gamer that has sense.:) I mean, I liked having fun throwing stuff at people's heads in Splinter Cell, but I wasn't in there to have fun, and that was the problem. And who gives a rat's ass about the lighting! W00, it's great, can we get off of it now(I had friends oooing and ahhing over that junk every time I played the demo)?

06-17-2003, 01:23 PM
I agree, I heard Rainbow 6 was awesome, and I actually got it, and I must say, it blows. I don't see what the attraction was.

As for SC2, don't bother with the demo. :O

Jawa Podracer
06-17-2003, 05:57 PM
All I want the demo for is Viewtiful Joe, SC2(I never played the first, so I hope this is good), and the GBA downloads(I have the cable and gba, so why not?). I heard Viewtiful Joe kicks major ass.

06-17-2003, 07:17 PM
Heh, I played the first SC on my friend's DC.. that game kicked so much ass.. I remember once I was that one chick and I think I killed him by kicking him while I was on the ground :D haha.. she was like the only character that could do that :D

06-17-2003, 07:27 PM
Well, I got the SCII demo done. It really did sucked, and although the game is somewhat interesting, it isn't anything I'd be interested in buying (the game really doesn't do it for me). I was puzzled by the fact you can't play as Link as that seems to be one of the major factors Nintendo is using to advertise it on the GC, and yet it appears nowhere (though there is a sort of demonstration movie of link's abilities. He seems interesting, to say the least). And yes, VJ kicks major butt. I've already beaten the demo about 5 times or so (and still counting :D ) and I'm actually getting better.

oh yeah, and if I had the money for a Dreamcast, I would have gotten it when it came out. I was thinking about getting a dreamcast now just for Sonic, but seeing as both games were redone already, i don't see the point of getting the originals, albeit for collection purposes.

06-17-2003, 10:13 PM
What's Viewitiful Joe like? I've seen it in Nintendo Power, and it looks intresting. What kind of game is it?

06-17-2003, 10:43 PM
I own a Dreamcast (best system out there at it's release) and I own both Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast) and Sonic Adventure 2 (Gamecube) what do I get in this Director's cut that I already don't have? Will it just be more multiplayer games like the remake of SA2?

06-17-2003, 11:03 PM
The "Director's Cut" includes the Game Gear Sonic games, I believe.

06-18-2003, 01:21 AM
About the SC2 demo, it's possible that link "is" playable, if his model is there, however you'd need a Action Replay. Ofcourse, if Namco cared enough, they could have easily removed any player input to all non-playable characters to prevent just that. But ya anyway, as I've said before, get the game in august!

06-18-2003, 09:47 AM
To Yoshiman: You're some movie buff who gets sucked into the world of movies and i forced to fight a bunch of baddies to save the 'damsel in distress' sylvia. The thing is that you get to become a superhero called Viewtiful Joe and use an array of interesting powers to fight the baddies. I could explain more, but IGN and PlanetGamecube already did it for me, so go there if oyu really want some info.

stormwatcheagle: To my knowledge, there are improved character models, all 12 Game Gear games unlocked, cameos by a bunch of other characters, a SA2 style chao system (to make it compatible with the Advance titles), and a set of over 60 special missions that you can do after completing the game with everyone. They're each unique in objective, and from what I hear are similar to the event matches of SSBM, if only in concept. I hear one mission even lets you play as Metal Sonic ^_^ .

Probably not enough to warrant another $50 for, but for people who haven't played it yet and really really want to (i.e. me :D ) it would be worth it.

Jawa Podracer
06-18-2003, 05:44 PM
...To my knowledge, there are improved character models, all 12 Game Gear games unlocked...

Then what's the point of owning Sonic Mega Collection?

06-18-2003, 05:48 PM
The point of the Sonic Mega Collection is for people who want the GENESIS (not Game Gear) Sonic games, plus artwork, etc., on their GameCube.

I personally will never purchase the SMC, because I have no moral qualms about using an emulator.

06-18-2003, 06:05 PM
Perhaps if the ## game gear games (i don't know how many there really are) are in SA:DC, perhaps there is a way to transfer them to the GBA? Just think: The Sonic Mini-Mega Collection!