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View Full Version : Computer Literacy

06-16-2003, 02:56 PM
Did anyone else have to take this class for high school? I put this class off for three years, and now I'm taking it in summer school. I think it's incredibly inane to learn how to use propreitary software that will be out of date by the time I get into the white-collar workforce. The class is so easy, it's a joke.

What makes it even funnier is that today there were a bunch of people caught cheating. One person would do one part of the assignment, and then another would do the other part. The funny thing is that they didn't even bother to change the fonts, format, or text at all so the teacher can't be sure if you copied each other. If you're going to cheat, at least do it the right way.

06-16-2003, 03:53 PM
guess thats the reason they were taking that class... learn to cheat the right way! geez... -_-'

06-16-2003, 04:01 PM
I never had any need to take computer classes.... I could learn faster on my own, in my free time.

Ibis, God of Magicks
06-16-2003, 04:49 PM
Here in Virginia, you have to take and pass a computer literacy course in college for any sort of degree.

06-16-2003, 06:02 PM
what kinda stuff are you learning?

06-16-2003, 06:55 PM
Some people need it. Not everyone is completely computer literate. I thought the class was a joke at first when I took it in high school, but I learned some neat stuff by the end of the year.

Kirby of Doom
06-16-2003, 07:06 PM
My Java class this year was easy. Not that Java is easy, but almost everyone else in the class weren't too good at it. :shrug:

06-16-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Sir Anthony
Some people need it. Not everyone is completely computer literate. I thought the class was a joke at first when I took it in high school, but I learned some neat stuff by the end of the year.

Well, you have a point. The Word Processing modules were things I already knew, but I've already learned a lot about using spreadsheets and databases.

06-16-2003, 11:36 PM
Lesson One: This is a mouse...

I hear some places which hire people for contracted tech support had to teach stuff THAT basic.. Sad, innit?

06-16-2003, 11:59 PM
LOL, funny. I would like to take that class so I can ignore the teacher and still pass with a 1,000% A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++, because it'll be easier than breathing.

When taking my college English last year we went to the computer lab on Thursdays to do creative writing on the computer, and so we could do internet research. I almost threw up after seeing how completely retarded people are. I getting nuasiated just talking about how stupid they are.

06-17-2003, 01:49 AM
I never had any need to take computer classes.... I could learn faster on my own, in my free time.

That is why I am really enjoying my current situation. I talked a teacher into letting me work by myself during her prep period and study for an AP test. And the best part is, now that I am done taking the test, I can focus on whatever I want. :)

06-18-2003, 12:27 AM
I've always been very good with computers. once i get there, i don't think it will be a problem for me :)

i do feel for you in that you are going to summer school...i am too...i hate every moment of it...though bashing my head into the desk does seem to make me feel better lol

I got back around 12 from the 2 classes i am taking: math and some POS study skills class. Today in math we started addition. YAY FOR ME!!!

I'm really not stupid, i just have ADD and don't take my meds :P My parents think it will help for next year. i duno, maybe it will. i'm *really* hoping the addition/subtraction is just a test to make sure we're not "disabled."
