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carrot red
06-14-2003, 01:52 PM
Let’s Start an AGN Virtual Business.

We have such interesting people here on AGN, with such a wide range of skills and know-how, that we should put it all to good use and start a business between us. Not a real one, just imaginary.

So, what job would you like to have in this new business?
What shall we manufacture/sell?
What will the business be called?
Where do you want to sit?
Who is going to be in charge of ordering stationery?
Who wants to stand by the water cooler all day discussing last night's TV programs?
Who has stolen my stapler?

Let's have a brainstorming meeting!

I’d be in charge of Public Relations. I have the knack of getting on people’s nerves and I’m always saying the wrong thing. I’d be perfect for the job.:tongue:

06-14-2003, 02:19 PM
There are a million things I can say in light of your recent activity at these forums, but one thing specifically comes to mind:

You talk too much :blah:

Anyway , I beleive the best market for Armageddon "Games" would be just that, "Games" Many people who have crossed the path of AGN are one day destined to be successful videogame programmers (or die trying :evil: ) so, yeah..

06-14-2003, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by BigJoe
You talk too much :blah:

Stop taking words out of my mouth BJ.:laughing:

Originally posted by carrot red
Who has stolen my stapler?
*runs around with stapler*

Aegis Runestone
06-14-2003, 02:24 PM
But I think we already "market" games, we just don't sell'em.

Nah...I think an AGN buisness would be silly, this is a free community. :)

06-14-2003, 02:43 PM
I'd like to be the Chief of Security. I mean a business such as this will probably need a security force. I will probably consist of me running around following random people and taking naps in front of the security camera monitors.

06-14-2003, 03:50 PM
Pffft, I'm the President then :p. I'll probably end up firing you all, and burning the buisiness to the ground :kawaii:

06-14-2003, 03:53 PM
Or taking advantage of the female staff.:spin:

06-14-2003, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Blonde799
Or taking advantage of the female staff.:spin:

Hmmmm never thought of it THAT way :naughty:

06-14-2003, 04:04 PM
Well, enough presidents did it(taking advantage of females I mean), so you should've been taking notes a long time ago.:p

06-14-2003, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Blonde799
Well, enough presidents did it(taking advantage of females I mean), so you should've been taking notes a long time ago.:p

I did, I got them right here:

#1) Be a total jackass. Hit on every woman you want, and offer them a raise.

#2) If you don't succeed, fire someone and make it their fault.

#3) Always deny what the press says

and #4) Never let anybody read this list. NOBODY!

06-14-2003, 04:13 PM
Well there goes #4.:laughing: :lol: :lmao:

06-14-2003, 04:21 PM
Who wants to stand by the water cooler all day discussing last night's TV programs?

"So, who watched Kikaider last night?"

*crickets chirp*

"I think I'll go steal someone's stapler."

If AGN were an office.... That would be just plain weird.

06-14-2003, 06:28 PM
We can write and sell philosophy textbooks....

and since I have no artistic, musical, or creative talent, I can be in the marketing department.

06-16-2003, 03:34 AM
Can I be the illustrator? I draw a mean yin-yang..

06-16-2003, 07:20 PM
i'll be that boss that you only see when there's free food, or when you've really screwed up. seems like an easy job to me

06-16-2003, 07:26 PM

We'll call it GlobalTech and convert an abandoned warehouse into a sweatshop where we force newbies to make rugs for our business contacts in Montana. In our spare time, we can start a new world religion and discuss possible uses of styrofoam.

Or we could all just die. That's another possibility.

06-16-2003, 10:31 PM
Would this be like SimAGN?
A virtual business world with all the office gossip and politics, climbing the corporate ladder.
I'd like to be in charge of the janitor’s closet.
The janitor has keys to the roof and the basement, and knows where all the skeletons are kept.

06-16-2003, 11:38 PM
I was looking at this thread and the idea for an expansion to the business came to mind... CANNED SPAM! We could always hire Breaker for quality control too. If he doesn't like it, it's quality spam!

06-17-2003, 02:14 AM
If I got to pick any job that I could do at our imaginary company, I would be the Court Jester

06-17-2003, 02:37 AM
You, my friend, would also be our mascot at inter-company sports events as well. Nothing beats a goat in a jester suit for bringing cheer to the crowds (except maybe a duck in a jester suit, but we're fresh outta ducks for now..)