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View Full Version : End of threads.

06-11-2003, 08:03 PM
How do we know when a thread is dead. I mean obvisoulsy it is pointless to reply to a thread that hasn't been posted to in forever, but who decides when these things should die. Is there some meeting that I miss every few days in which someone nominates that a thread should be allowed to die and then everyone votes on it? Is anyone out there looking after the orphan threads? Does AGN have a mysterious janitor that gets rid of the old threads, you know like the ones they have on computer games, you kill someone, the body is there, you go to another part of the level come back and the body is gone. Some kind of janitor guy cleans them up I quess.

Drunken Tiger
06-11-2003, 08:07 PM
Nope, but threads get "pruned" every once in a while... But old threads are normally classified as 4days or so.. At least they are in my book.. But definately dont go around dredging up old threads.. It pisses alot of people off.:)

06-11-2003, 08:22 PM
When nobody thinks the what the last guy posted was worth anything, nobody makes a new reply. The death of a thread.

Speaking of death, I'm pretty sure I have started the most one-post threads - a real angel of death if you ask me. Those are the worst, you think you are sharing something that might bring up some conversation, and nobody replies.

06-11-2003, 08:31 PM
A thread is dead when no one can come up with anything interesting to add to it. Sometimes conversations reach a point where there is nothing more to talk about, other times someone makes the conversation awkward.

In general, when a thread is 7 days old with no replies, it's time to get a shovel.

06-11-2003, 08:34 PM
Only thing irritating about topics that supposedly died long ago, is when somebody replies to them(or worse, votes on an unclosed poll) and then suddenly theres this "new" topic. Unless its a topic I've posted in before or was of such notoriety that I easily remember it, chances are I won't recognize immediately that the topic is old until after I've replied to it. And then I feel slightly like an idiot.

Other than that though, I don't really see whats wrong with replying to dead topics provided what you add brings something to the old discussion. However, most of the time, people don't really have anything signifigant with which to revive the conversation of the old topic.

06-11-2003, 09:29 PM
I remember I made a topic in ASWGL, "Would you fuck moocow?" that would not die. It lasted forever, c/o the slow and constant stream people who would sign up, find ASWGL, go in, vote, and post.

06-11-2003, 11:54 PM
I want to know how many threads I have killed. That would be interesting. Also the real problem is when a thread is dead but people keep responding to it even though most of the stuff doesn't really help.

06-12-2003, 12:26 AM
That would be kinda a cool hack for profiles. How many thread's you've murdered. lol