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View Full Version : My school just got a new internet line installed.

06-01-2003, 07:11 AM

The only thing that sucks about it is that the computer lab i am in only has a 10MB/s hub, meaning that i only get about 300kb/s on a file download, but thats still damn fast compared to my 56kb line.. now my home internet just seems so much slower, and my want for broadband internet has increased. If only i had the money.

06-03-2003, 02:16 AM
That's one thing that pisses me off. My school has broadband, but not one of the teachers know what the hell they are doing. And does anything think a Compaq Presario (7 years old or more) can harness the awesome broadband power? HELL NO! Even if they had recent computers they put so much restrictive software that the computers boot up slow and run slow constantly.

Oh well, my dad is talking about getting Cox Cable internet because it's the only high-speed anything we can get.