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View Full Version : Text color

05-27-2003, 03:22 PM
For some reason the color of the message string text is a light blue that is hard to read against certain backgrounds. I tried to look for a way to change it in the misc colors menu but nothing I did worked. how do I set the message string color to white? thanks

05-27-2003, 03:33 PM
go to the misc colors menu & then look for something like 'text', then click the digit to the right of it; the first digit is for the cset of the current pallette, and the 2nd digit is for the actual color within the cset that you have chosen-the colors you see at the top are the most 'popular' colors that are hard-coded into zquest, which are suggested colors that you can see but you can use any colors from the current pallette (or from the main pallette) for any misc colors; i do know for a fact that you can change the text color, its just a matter of finding the right digits to change

05-27-2003, 03:47 PM
This is the menu i was in before. i see options like 'test' and 'caption' and from what i can tell they are set to white (51 for the cset and pallette in this graphics pack). when i change them the text at the top of the screen that displays stuff like the number rupees or bombs remaining changes but the message string text is still blue.

05-27-2003, 06:53 PM
i think its caption you have to change, and double check the pallette and cset-honestly, i know only a lil bit about pallettes and such, so try PMing somebody else that would particularly know stuff like this, perhaps alphadawg or something