View Full Version : How does one..

05-23-2003, 10:03 PM
Get rid of a hair stuck in the back of their mouth? I have a hair lodged deep in the back of my mouth , far beyond the reach of my fingers. And it is stuck there, and it has been driving me mad for a long time...Ive gargled, Ive eaten , Ive drank. Ive done everything that sounds like it would dislodge the hair. How does one get rid of stuff like this??

EDIT: Well Ive figured out something. It isnt a hair. Its that thing that dangles in the back , and its hanging down really low. lower than it would normally be. what is going on?

05-23-2003, 10:34 PM
Swallow some hydrochloric acid.

Failing that, see a dentist and ask him about it. You may require oral surgery.

05-23-2003, 10:52 PM
um, although I fail to see the logic in swallowing HCl, then at least have a parent or something supervise. It sounds to me like you just have a dry/sore throat and need some ice cream or something to just take off the scratchiness...

05-23-2003, 10:54 PM
It was sarcasm, that's what I suggest to everyone who mentions oral problems.

For the record, I do advise you ignore my suggestion, as it would result in rapid corrosion of the tongue, gums, and throat lining. Just a helpful reminder.

05-23-2003, 11:08 PM
That would be your uvula which is quite possibly infected. Go to a doctor.

Infected Uvula and Tonsils,


05-23-2003, 11:08 PM
Sounds like an STD contracted through oral sex. You might not want to give any blowjobs any time soon, just in case.

05-24-2003, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by plith
Sounds like an STD contracted through oral sex. You might not want to give any blowjobs any time soon, just in case.

I never did. Please be serious..

05-24-2003, 09:01 AM
Well, you arn't called BJ for nothing....(j/k)

05-24-2003, 12:54 PM
i've had that happen before, it's usually if i have a cold, or in the early morning, when only 1% of my bodily functions are operating correctly. (luckily its the one that usually needs evacuation in the morning that works)

05-24-2003, 01:44 PM
Big Joe, I'd go to a doctor. Anything could have happened...

and Breaker, I'd just love to thank you for that picture, as I was eating when I saw it ;)