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View Full Version : some regarding tile mods

05-21-2003, 08:21 PM
DN had posted that perhaps he might make it so that items modify only specific link sprites--perhaps next to the link tile mod variable in the item sprites menu, there is a drop down menu with the following:
Basically, you could select any one of Link's types of actions that uses different sprites or you can select all. This would make it so the tile mod for that particular item affects only the designated type of sprites. Ooh! Another idea! How bout for only weapons that link actually uses via the B item, there is a check box for 'while using' and if checked, the sprite of link would temporarily change accordingly only while using that particular item or while that particular item is equipped.

Another idea! :) A link sprite for pushing-it would only occur when walking against 'push flags'-it would have to detect push flags but i think it could be done--if the user doesn't want this, then simply have a quest rule called "Use Push sprites".

05-21-2003, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by idontknow
How bout for only weapons that link actually uses via the B item, there is a check box for 'while using' and if checked, the sprite of link would temporarily change accordingly only while using that particular item or while that particular item is equipped.

I think DN suggested a tile mod where if link was currently holding an item(for example, link bow tile set when link had the bow in his B slot), the tiles would temporarily change.

05-21-2003, 10:07 PM
oh..alright simply a check box then called "When Equipped" next to the link tile mod in the sprite editor--this would be better, i think, to have each item changed link's tiles different only when equipped in the B item slot

05-21-2003, 10:21 PM
You wouldn't need that. Just leave the variable at 0 if you don't want it to do anything.:p