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View Full Version : The Matrix Reloaded: Complete Spoiler

05-13-2003, 06:09 PM
don't read below if you don't want to have the plot revealed to you before you watch the movie. you have been warned...

NEO (http://www.thelastfreecity.com/gallery/archive/acf8c5.jpg) - Keanu Reeves - The sixth "One". (see The Architect) He increases his powers. He is able to fight a hundred Smiths and stop hundreds of bullets. Eventually, he gets infected unsucessfully by a Smith. He also kills a lot of other guys. He warns Trinity to stay out of the Matrix because he had a dream that she died fighting an agent while falling off a building (see the Final Trailer). The place where Neo goes to see the architect is the same building he dreamt about Trinity dying on.
TRINITY (http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_img/reloaded_09.jpg) - Carrie Anne Moss - Has a big relationship with Neo. They have a love scene and they kiss a lot. At one point in the movie she fights security guards after blowing up a building in her motorcycle. She also drives the car and motorcycle in the freeway chase.
MORPHEUS (http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_img/reloaded_14.jpg) - Laurence Fishburne - He believes in Neo blindly. When Zion is threatened by sentinels, he believes the only way to save the city is by Neo. He talks to all of Zion believing that they will be saved and must fight with the help of Neo. He is captain of the Nebuchadnezzar and gets infected by Smiths.
AGENT SMITH (http://www.thelastfreecity.com/gallery/archive/acfb9d.jpg) - Hugo Weaving - He is now a rogue program in the Matrix - supposed to be deleted but he escaped. He is able to copy himself by sticking his hand in someone and "infecting" them. He is fascinated with people, the pain, their "reality", and what they are.
AGENT THOMPSON - A new agent that replaces the old ones.
AGENT JOHNSON - Another new agent.
TWIN ONE & TWO (http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_img/reloaded_15.jpg) - Adrian and Neil Rayment - Twins in silver whose only mission is to kill The One. They were programs designed to destroy him. They can become transparent and ghostlike. This makes it difficult to kill them. They most likely die at the end of the car chase scene when Morpheus destroys the car.
NIOBE (http://www.thelastfreecity.com/gallery/archive/acfb9a.jpg) - Jada Pinkett-Smith - Best ship captain in the fleet. She is tough, stubborn and physical. She works with Ghost in the computer game to give an important object to Neo.
GHOST (http://www.thelastfreecity.com/gallery/archive/ghost_reloads.jpg) - Helps Niobe and meets the keymaker. He is asian.
SERAPH (http://www.thelastfreecity.com/gallery/archive/serph.jpg) - Collin Chou - A program in the matrix under the command of the Oracle. He is good and wants to help The One. Neo and Seraph fight in a teahouse to test their skills.
MEROVINGIAN (http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_img/reloaded_11.jpg) - Lambert Wilson - King of the Matrix. He holds the keymaker. He is fond of swearing in French, describing it as like "wiping your ass with silk". He can do basically anything he wants, including influencing other people to do things.
PERSEPHONE (http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_img/reloaded_13.jpg) - Monica Bellucci - Merovingian's wife. If she kisses someone, she feels their emotions. She is a "vampire of emotions". She agrees to let Neo see the keymaker in exchange for a kiss.
KEYMAKER (http://www.thelastfreecity.com/gallery/archive/acfb98.jpg) - Randall Duk-Kim - He holds the key to the Architect. He is brought to the place where he can unlock the door to the Architect. This involves him going down a highway with a big chase. (You can see most of the trailers to get highway scenes. See especially "Jack in" and "Final Trailer")
ORACLE (http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_img/reloaded_02.jpg) - Gloria Foster - The Oracle is a good machine. She tries to help Neo save Zion by encouraging/giving information.
LOCK - Operator of the Nebuchadnezzar (Morpheus's ship). Replaces Tank from the first movie. He says the classic line about Neo - "He's doing his superman thing."
ZEE (http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_img/reloaded_17.jpg) - Lock's girlfriend
COUNCILLOR HAMANN (http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_img/reloaded_06.jpg) - One of the leaders in Zion. Old guy.
COUNCILLOR WEST (http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_img/reloaded_24.jpg) -He is one of the leaders in Zion. Played by a college professor who was invited down because Larry Wachowski (director) enjoyed his work and wanted to talk about philosophy.
ARCHITECT - Creator of the Matrix. Neo meets him at the end of Reloaded. The architect explains that Neo is the 6th "one" who's mission was to eventually meet the Architect. He offers Neo a choice - sacrifice himself and Zion to save the Matrix and unplug 24 new people, which would "reload" (hence the title of the movie) the Matrix and start the process over again, with another One being found, a new Zion, etc. The other option was to destroy the Matrix, everyone in it, let Zion be destroyed by the sentinels which were attacking it, in order to save someone. Neo chooses to destroy the matrix and save Trinity. At the end of the movie, the Matrix is destroyed EXCEPT for one person, Bane, who Agent Smith was able to take over IN THE REAL WORLD. Trinity and Neo still live. Neo is able to stop sentinels in the real world - his power is not just confined to the matrix anymore - just like he can stop bullets. Neo faints, and the movie ends. Wait through 8 minutes of credits to watch the trailer of Matrix Revolutions.

05-13-2003, 07:28 PM


I'm amazed...

05-13-2003, 07:37 PM
/me stays away from the first post in this thread.

Must... resist... spoilage...


05-13-2003, 07:54 PM
The plot actually looks more interesting than the first. I actually want to see it now.

05-13-2003, 08:25 PM
i'm sure i confused people with the plot, because i just reread my post and it was kind of hard to follow. if you have any questions please ask. if you want to find out more information without my help, look on the forums at www.thelastfreecity.com

and i forgot to say before,

The title "revolutions" for the third movie is because neo chose not to do what all the other Ones had done, therefore he was starting something unexpected. my current avatar is Neo in the architect's place. (remember the TV screens showing Neo's interrogation with the agents near the beginning of the first movie? expect a lot of stuff from the first to become clearer once you watch the second. and you'll probably not know why some things are included in the second until you watch the third.

05-13-2003, 10:06 PM
Well, that's just the information... Here is the script (http://www.pointlesswasteoftime.com/matrix2/matrix2script.html).

05-13-2003, 10:14 PM
AH GOD DAMNIT, THATS why the moniters were in the first movie...

05-13-2003, 10:58 PM
