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View Full Version : REAL Royal Heart Demo Release

05-12-2003, 07:53 PM
Here's the real first release of Royal Heart. Remember to read the Readme before doing anything or else you might be confused. Tell me what you think.


05-12-2003, 07:58 PM
No, you tricked me, I'm not trusting you anymore.:tongue:

05-12-2003, 11:04 PM
I can't find the third key in the Cave of destiny. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Will you please tell me what I missed??? :shrug: But I did love what I have played so far... can I use the MIDI you used for your Dastiny cave theme?

Aegis Runestone
05-13-2003, 08:07 AM
Wow! What a great demo, but uh, J-Man, do you TEST your quests? that Aquamentus looks VERY funky. ;) And geez, that last key with the two traps and many keese and gels was SO hard, lighten up on the difficulty eh?

05-13-2003, 09:31 AM
All enemies are ‘as is’ from Orion’s Z3 set. SO yes they will be in screwed up palettes, for now. Right now I’m focusing on fixing bugs, which I did test for. And the double trap key stays, although in a later demo whenever you fall I might insta-warp a fairy to all you newbies :P

05-13-2003, 03:43 PM
Even worse than continue bugs? Save bugs. In the Acelca (sp?) mansion i.e. flaming house of death, I can't continue or save anywhere because it traps you. Ruined my complete game twice now, as below:

1. In the mansion, after getting the second key you can use it on the wrong lock and trap yourself.

2. Also, in the mansion, after using three keys, then unlocking the south doorway with the block puzzle, then entering that doorway and walking east a bit, end up in a room with a door (locked?) to the east that won't open. Fall down, find a key in the east, and then walk to the west through the already bombed wall, but the other side isn't bombed yet, so you are trapped.

05-14-2003, 08:08 AM
1. That is wrong. I am 100% positive that no matter which lock block you choose you can complete the dungeon. There are three keys you can get before even opening one lock block: The one in the corner room on F1, the one in the room after you bomb the wall near the entrance, and the one in the room near the westernmost lock block. Then there are only three doors/lock blocks that can be opened. Upon opening the eastern lock block the fourth key should become available. But only after you open BOTH lock blocks will the fourth locked door be available. Unless I screwed up when making my secrets this should be the case no matter what you do.

2. Umm... at the point where you are stuck, use a bomb It uses flags so that shouldn't be a major problem. Thanks for pointing this out to me nevertheless, I'll have to find a way to accomadate for if you enter from the other side, or just make it so that you don't go drop there at all. But I can assure you you are NOT stuck.

05-14-2003, 10:00 AM
I'm sure about the mansion also. When I was beta testing, I opened the wrong lock block at first, and was able to go back around and through the correct path without issue.

05-14-2003, 11:45 AM
My mistake -- I didn't find the key through the bombed wall soon enough.

05-14-2003, 02:56 PM
Heh. Either I've got the wrong game, or I'm horribly Stuck. :shrug: I'm still in the first village. :disgust: :rolleyes: *sigh* I have the Boomerang. Where do I go from there?

05-14-2003, 03:20 PM
you are supposed to go to the west, to Crescent Valley. One of villagers hinted to the valley being to the west, and one of them tells you directly that a long distance weapon will knock off the rusty lock on the door. Talk to people for god's sake :p