View Full Version : Enemy tile questions

Aegis Runestone
05-12-2003, 07:30 AM
1)If one is not using the New Enemies rule, what tile does the 'fire' enemy use?

2)And what enemies use Cset 10?

3)Which is stronger? super Darknut or DeathKnight?

05-12-2003, 07:59 AM
You want new enemy tiles in your tileset, eh?

Use the NEW Orion's Z3 tileset, then delete ALL tiles except the enemy tiles. Now, expprt these tiles and import them into your quest, now all the enemy tiles will be in the correct spot, and you don't have to grab the stuff.

05-12-2003, 08:23 AM
Ahh! What? :eek: ... blah.

1) The Fire tile uses a tile on the upper left side of the first tiles page. You'll see it, if you haven't deleted it. It may be near the guy tiles.

2) I don't think any enemies use Cset 10. (unless I'm wrong.) Boss creatures might, but I'm not sure. Enemies tend to only use 7-9. Unless I'm wrong again, and one uses Cset 2. (A reminiscant memory from the early days of ZC experimentation.)

3) Deathknights are the stronger opponent, by far. They have about 30 HP, and they can "shoot sword beams" at an alarmingly rapid rate. If you have no ring, chances are they'll kill you with one hit regardless of how much health you have. :shakeno: Super Darknuts are almost as fast as Link, have about 16 HP, (not an exact number.) and when killed, split into two standard blue darknuts. However, the respawn feature of this enemy is erratic, as it will tend to be back in a room if all other enemies are killed. Feel free to experiment with this enemy. ;)

Aegis Runestone
05-12-2003, 12:50 PM
Sounds like the Death knight would make a better final boss than Ganon does. :p

Thanx for the info!

05-12-2003, 01:31 PM
For future reference, you can just check enemy posistions by opening the file called new enemy tiles.pdf. It's in your zc folder.

Someone should make an html version of it though.. I didn't have acrobat reader before zc.

Aegis Runestone
05-12-2003, 03:05 PM
Uhhh....I don't have Acrobat Reader either >_<

05-12-2003, 03:55 PM
I'm working on an html version... I should have it converted by the end of the day/tomarrow.

By the way Aegis.. clean out your PM box.

Aegis Runestone
05-13-2003, 08:16 AM
It's clean, man, it's clean.