View Full Version : making a demo available to others

05-11-2003, 02:16 PM
how to i make a demo of my quest available to other people? i do not want to have to make a web page for it...also, what form must it be in?/do i need to compress it?/if so, how?

05-11-2003, 02:50 PM
All you need to do is provide a link to the quest. Posting the link in Quest Announcement/Discussion and putting the link in your signature is a good way to do it. If you don't have space to upload it to, I'm sure someone else will be nice and let you upload to their space (unfortunately, I don't have much space and I'm already using most of it, so I can't help you there).
And zipping the file is generally a good courtesy since it makes the download smaller.

05-12-2003, 08:00 AM
Just go to tripod for example, upload the file (compress it, qst-files doesn't work there) and then put the link here. You're done!

05-12-2003, 08:14 AM
I've used a Geocities account. (You can see an example in my sig, if you so desire.) But if your quest is small enough, (Size limit is unknown at the moment.) you can host it on www.freewebz.com and they have remote linking, so you can just link directly to it, quickly and easily. It can just sit there right in your sig, all tucked away for when someone needs it. :) Very nice. ;)

But Geocities has never done me wrong. :shrug:

05-13-2003, 04:41 PM
how do i go about getting a geocities account for the same reason as idk? just to make sure, you know

05-13-2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by idontknow
how to i make a demo of my quest available to other people? i do not want to have to make a web page for it...also, what form must it be in?/do i need to compress it?/if so, how?

You should sign up for Angelfire. It's free, and you get 20 MB of memory, too! It's easy. But, if you want to have more memory than that, you have to buy it.