View Full Version : 20 requests!!!! thats a lot

05-11-2003, 10:26 AM
I need a lot of tiles for testing out some stuff some have already been asked but i might aswell ask for them aswell

1. thorn bushes yeah i know this has been asked but what the hell aye
2. deku baba both upwards and lunging in all directions including diagonal
3. deku stick sticking out of ground and used as sword
4. flame thing coming out of the wall stopping and then going then stopping and so on you know what i mean like a flamethrower all directions including diagonal and upwards meaning out of the ground not north
5. same as above but water i have a few ideas for this one
6. water hitting something you know like splashing that kind of thing all directions including diagonal
7. fire, water and ice arrows with fire, water and ice trails this can be done if enemies always die with ice, water or fire that means you can only have one per quest
8. water and ice boomerang with water and ice trails to replace the fire boomerang
9. slashing for 1st quest and bs 1st quest
10. fire, water and ice sword with slashing which looks like fire, water and ice you know what i mean
11. stunned peahat that looks like from wind waker
12. swirly trail for boomerang like from wind waker
13. deku leaf to replace raft if that is possible i'm not sure
14. bomb arrows basically arrows that look like they have bombs on them and a trail of smoke and an explosion for when they hit something instead of that normal mark thing whatever it is
15. water, ice and fire bombs basically they have a picture of what ever they are on them like if it was water it would be a bomb with a drip on it and explosions which look like ice, fire and water
16. a huge dragon head with moving mouth which spits out fire to replace that dragon with lots of head gleeok is it i forget the names
17. ness from earthbound with baseball bat instead of sword, yoyo instead of hookshot, pk flash thing like from ssbm instead of bombs pk fire thing instead of bow and arrows and that pk thunder i think it is you know the one you control instead of boomerang
18. james bond instead of link and a gun and throwing knife instead of bow and arrows
19. knife for sword and mine like from goldeneye for bombs
20. sounds for as many of these 19 requests as possible so i can make sfx.dat files for them

thanks for your help i doubt i will get all of these requests done but oh well i cant get everything

05-12-2003, 10:29 AM
I have a pretty good gun tile and I the knife shouldn't be too hard to do. I thought someone has already made James Bond sprites (I'm not sure, but I think I've seen some around in a tileshop) If I get some free time today, I'll try and make a few of those and I'll post the mtonight if I get any progress.

J.J. Maxx
05-12-2003, 10:44 AM
Um.. it sounds like some of your requests would require changes in ZC itself...

05-12-2003, 03:43 PM
None of my requests would require changes because all i want is the tiles. I have my ways of getting these done trust me.

05-12-2003, 05:13 PM
i know how youre probably gonna put the gun in. You set it up as a sword that does not require but 1% health for a beam, and set the beam to a bullet. and boom! you have a gun. i'll try to make a few of these if i get time to. i'll need to know what palette your using for the quest, otherwise i'll probably make them with the pure palette.

05-13-2003, 12:11 PM
just use the pure pallete i dont really care as long as no one makes a new palette coz thats too much of a bother and the gun was supposed to be for bow and arrows so that means i want a gun to replace the bow aswell and i was going to use the throwing knife for sword because you can attack with a knife aswell so its better because otherwise you will see a bullet come out of you and go back in and thats just weird.

J.J. Maxx
05-13-2003, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Tom
14. bomb arrows basically arrows that look like they have bombs on them and a trail of smoke...

You're lucky I was bored. How you plan on using them in ZC is anyone's guess. :shrug:



05-14-2003, 04:21 PM
wow they look great thanks now all i need is a tile for when they hit something which looks like an explosion to replace the normal tile

05-14-2003, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Tom
just use the pure pallete i dont really care as long as no one makes a new palette coz thats too much of a bother and the gun was supposed to be for bow and arrows so that means i want a gun to replace the bow aswell and i was going to use the throwing knife for sword because you can attack with a knife aswell so its better because otherwise you will see a bullet come out of you and go back in and thats just weird.

actually. all it wou;ld do is make the player put the gun back after he fires it at something. the bullet could be your beam for that sword.

05-15-2003, 01:31 PM
i always thought that if you change the sword it will change the beam because they are the same thing

05-16-2003, 09:52 PM
Tom is right.

05-17-2003, 08:31 AM
hmmmm yep i know i am as you may have noticed i love combo cycling but i want the tiles for them combo cycling makes nearly all of these possible