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carrot red
05-09-2003, 10:08 AM
Of all the wars in the history of humanity, which one do you consider to be the deadliest and which was the worthiest if such thing does exist?


05-09-2003, 12:24 PM
WWII needed to be fought to liberate the German people under the Hitler regime. Also, it has been recognized as having the greatest cost in materiel and life, and was fought on all sides of the world. Africa, Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and even two of the Aleutian islands were involved. Millions perished, civillians and military personnel alike. There has been no other war (on earth) with such a large amount of destruction.

I also thought of a joke: Why did Nazi's wear armbands?

As a fascist statement. :lol:

05-09-2003, 12:46 PM
The Germans wanted Hitler as a leader. He promoted a lot of things they wanted.

I'd say WWII for both.

One thing I've noticed that's a huge hole in Hitler's philosophy is that he considered anyone who was 1/64th or more Jewish to be a full Jew. But if you were only half Aryan, you weren't an Aryan. That means that Jewish blood is 64 times as potent as Aryan blood. How does that say that Aryans are superior?

05-09-2003, 03:43 PM
Deadliest: The Tai Pang rebellion in Southern China with 23 million deaths.

Most worthy:

The Greek's war to keep the Persians from conquering their homeland

The Russains' stand against Napolean

The Russain White Army's lost war against the communist party in 1918

The Revolutionary War

The Civil War (of course, I wish the south had won)

World War II

The Cold War

Operation Iraqi Freedom

05-11-2003, 11:47 PM
World War II wasn't about liberating Germany. It was about removing from power a small set of people who wished to conquer and subdue an entire planet. That the German people were freed from a dictator, whether they wanted him or not, was a secondary issue. That is the war all other wars are compared to.

05-12-2003, 12:11 AM
I'll have to agree with Beldaran, the Tai Pang Rebellion is, to my knowledge, unparalleled in terms of sheer bloodshed.

However, how do you find the Cold War worthy? It came close to nuclear war, several times, and amounted to nothing more than the world's two greatest nations (and their allies) flexing their military muscles, and trying not to get quite mad enough to annihilate each other.

I think a much worthier war was, for example, the quest to unseat Manuel Noriega, the former dictator of Panama (If that qualifies as a war...perhaps it's more of an assault? I don't know, and really don't care.). Come to think of it, removing Hussein and Hitler also were noble acts, since in doing so, the slaughter of millions was prevented.

...Did that make any sense?

05-12-2003, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by pablo882

However, how do you find the Cold War worthy?

It brought about the fall of communism in East Germany and Russia, and it made it clear to other nations that if you F*** with Americans we will aim big missles at you.:)

05-12-2003, 07:08 AM
It also proliferated weapons, nuclear and otherwise, to today's "Axes of Evil," doomed postimperial Africa and Asia to oppression under dictatorial regimes, and decimated the economy of the former Soviet states...